Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Let's Try This Again

Remember that time ages ago when I was gonna blog every week? Well, I thought seven weeks was really close to all year...right?

Yes, yes, yes, I know, it's not even close to a year. Let's be honest, I gave up. This happens a lot, and not just to me. Giving up is a part of life (or it seems that way anyway). I think it's part of human nature, but it's also part of the way we set goals. Last year I managed to organize 105 people into a full length musical show in just a few days, I moved over 1,000 miles from home, I got my first real job, I wrote a 50,000 word novel, I made a video every week, and yet I couldn't be bothered to write a weekly blog. Why? Perhaps because I find my life to be boring, perhaps because I'm too busy thinking of stories to write non fiction every week, perhaps because I'm better at videos. All of those are possible reasons, but the simple truth is, I didn't want it enough. Without the true and unrelenting desire, you'll never finish anything you aren't required to. The instant you realize this isn't something you must do, and you don't really want to do it, why would you even bother?

That's the hole I fell into last year, but this time it's gonna be different. Why? Cause I want it to be. I'm setting different goals. For the entire month of April I plan to post 750 words here every single day. They might be a story, a recount of my day, or a detailed description of the thing I found under my bed. They will surely be unedited, unrefined, and more often than not incoherent, but that's alright. Truly it's not about the words themselves by rather the writing. Then if I make it through April I'll set a new goal, maybe here, maybe on YouTube, maybe in the real world, and then I'll set another and another, until I reach them all.

So I'll see you in April. It's gonna be an interesting ride.