Lena said that I can sell merch for her again at the ball. I'm more excited than I should be.
Till I next fail at failure.
Yes there is a pool in her backyard, and a hot tub, and a guest house, and possibly a miniature golf course; you will never know. I'm told that this things are all to common in Phoenix, but I an Iowa small town girl I reserve the right to be amazed. Sadly I must confess that no swimming took place, I chose to see HBP at midnight instead, and it was absolutely the right choice.Course there was more to the house than the backyard.
There was also a giant, huge, very large cactus in front of the house. For the sake of scale I should point out that I am 5'10"/11" tall. It was a big cactus. I was informed that these are also very common, but I once again played the Iowa card, and was permitted to take pictures and run around just as excited as I pleased. Sadly the one thing that Jenny's house was lacking was a pet armadillo, we'll have to talk about that.
Jenny's house was a blast but it was only part of the trip. At about 4pm we piled into a van, which took us to the car, which took us to CVS, where we bought energy drinks. Then it was off onto the road, where we drove through lots of pretty desert. I enjoyed the scenery and we sang along to Taylor Swift, John Mellencamp, and the Pokemon soundtrack. All was going well and we (Jenny, Suze, and I) were sure that this trip was going to be a blast. Then we ran out of gas.
Ok, ok, that might have been a slight exaggeration, but only slight. The reality was the gas light came on and all that surrounded us was desert. It was just like being in the movies! We started brainstorming ways to siphon gas from Earl, who had filled up in Phoenix (brilliant man that one), without a hose. Just as we were devising a brilliant plan involving hooking together every single straw that we could find and filling empty red bull cans with gas, I spotted something on the horizon. No, it couldn't be. Gas stations don't just appear out of the middle of nowhere when you wish for them. It must be a mirage. I wonder if Earl sees it too. Wait I see pumps, there are vehicles there. Mirages don't have moving vehicles. Really? Truly? Yes! Yes! Transported to the middle of the desert solely for our use (the clerks were very confused as they had just been in Minnesota) was a beautiful wonderful gas station. I have never been so happy to see those pumps and the rolling numbers that slowly tick to broke.
So now we have gas, we're ready to go. We drove, and drove, and drove, and made sure to watch the gas tank constantly. When after about 2 hours the gauge was still above full we decided that either the miracle gas station had given us magical gas (a good deal for $50) or the car could not be trusted. We bet on the second since magical gas is becoming exceedingly rare. Still the car could go a few more miles, but our stomachs really couldn't. We crossed into California and began looking for a place to fill our stomachs. The food became less important however when we spotted; you guessed it (did you really cause that's impressive) DINOSAURS!!!
There was a museum just off the highway with life size concrete dinosaurs. There were also robotic dinosaurs, and mechanical ones that you could ride. Sadly due to the late hour these wonders were forbidden to us, but the T-Rex was more than willing to pose for picture after picture. Suze and I were the first to conquer the T-Rex. Which if you consider his size really was quite a feat. We managed to get out without being eaten, which was a plus, and we also got something to eat. It was a very effective stop.
After we left the dinosaurs it was my turn to drive. I spent the next 6ish hours staring at headlights and taillights. Suze took the last stretch and we made it into San Francisco. We watched the sun rise (yes I failed at the picture taking) and then searched for the thing we needed most; caffeine.
Until I next fail at failure.