This is not a normal July Adventure blog this is a necessary explosion. I just finished reading this article and I couldn't keep myself quiet.
I know from experience that it would be useless to try to comment on the article itself. This website is a seriously conservative site and as such are probably very set in their ways. Still articles like this make me incredibly angry. I'm a Harry Potter fan, and I know the books aren't real. Still I think that lessons can be learned from them. The article claims it's terrible to base our life around a book, but the Bible is a book. More importantly the parables are made up stories that we are supposed to base our lives around. The conservatives have no problem using those stories to dictate how they should live their lives, but shame on us for doing the same because our made up story wasn't made up by Jesus. *Screams in frustration*
Sometimes I just want to shake these people. I may not agree with everything Andrew Slack says but I do recognize the good he is doing. Are you, Warner, telling me that it is bad to try and stop genocide, no matter what your inspiration? That simply because I draw comparisons to fiction I shouldn't worry about racism? That I live in a fantasy world because I want to create social change? Don't even get me started on the gay issue. Rowling admitted Dumbledore was gay because she was asked she wasn't trying to get in with the community, or sell more books, she doesn't need to do either of those things. I could care less what you actually think about the gay issue, but you need to do your research and not jump to conclusions. Obviously this revelation made her extremely unpopular with you, so what makes you think she chose to do that arbitrarily. I need to go relax with a book.
Until I next fail at failure.
Friday, July 10, 2009
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