Monday, May 28, 2012

May 28th

It's time for Miscellaneous Mondays! That means you're stuck here reading whatever I feel like writing, and it could be ANYTHING. Well, technically I suppose you aren't stuck, you can click away any time you want. I just like to hope you find yourself drawn in by my intriguing prose and then you stay to read a riveting post on a subject I haven't even decided on yet. I know that this is a false hope, and that likely you have already clicked to a new page and never even made it to these words, which is a bummer because the post is about to get awesome...or I'm just lying to you.

Quite honestly I'm incredibly tired and I'm finding it hard to keep my eyes open. I just want to curl up and go to sleep, which wouldn't actually be a bad thing, but it is a little early for that. I'm afraid that if I fall asleep now I'll wake up before tomorrow and then I'll be tired at work tomorrow. Speaking of work, I had day four of training today, and it was just as awesome as the other three days. I feel like I'm really understanding the process and I can't wait to actually start working. Of course there are still six days of training before they push me out of the nest to fly (or fall) on my own. I'm hoping that I can fly.

Then I came home, unpacked my stuff from work, and sat down to get my daily YouTube watching out of the way. I'm completely caught up on all my subscriptions and that makes me incredibly happen. I love commenting on videos in a timely manner, making video responses, and getting inspired to make videos of my own. I've actually made four videos this month (two for my personal channel and two for my collab channel), and I have another video shot that is just gonna take some editing time. I'm hoping to get around to it before June starts. It's nice to feel like part of the YouTube community again. I have fun doing it, and I think I forgot that for awhile.

I'm also thinking seriously about food, but I know that if I eat I won't be as sleepy and I really should get some sleep. My nose is all stuffy and I've been sneezing almost constantly so I think rest would be recommended. Of course then there's the fact that my stomach is going to growl just a little, and that isn't good either. I might have to settle for a light snack to hold me over till the morning. Of course my snacky foods are all in the mostly unhealthy category, not that I'm trying to eat totally healthy, but it's always a bummer to only eat something unhealthy.

I still have almost three hundred words to write and my exhausted brain is having trouble coming up with ideas. I suppose I could write some flash fiction. I make no promises or apologies when it comes to the quality of the piece I'm about to write for you.
"Grab it, quick!" Jilly reached out lightening fast and caught the teddy bear as it plummeted towards the bedroom floor. Jamie looked over the edge of the top bunk and sighed in relief.

"You have to be more careful, Jamie." Jilly said as she leaned out of her bunk and reached the bear up to Jamie's waiting hands. He hugged the bear securely to his chest.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Jamie said. He lay down on his bed and hung his head over the edge to look as his sister. Jilly had a pile of books spread out in front of her and was taking notes on a sleek silver tablet. She patted the top of Jamie's head.

"I know you didn't mean to, buddy. But I might not be here next time, so you're gonna have to make sure to keep everything on your bed or in your drawers." She motioned to the dresser that was hooked to the wall by his bed, positioned to be easily reachable from when he lay now.

"Someday I want to play on the floor." Jamie said with a bit of a pout. Jilly looked at the laser grid on their bedroom floor, created to slice and dice anything that landed there. Then she looked back at the schematics and layouts on her tablet.

"Someday, Jamie, you will."

1 comment:

  1. Whats the story at the bottom from/about it seems intriguing.
