Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May 2nd

I didn't make that video I planned to make today. Instead I spent most of the day dealing with mounds of stuff that is happening at Ascendio this summer. I'm crazy excited for this conference, but there is a LOT that is going into it. Remind me to never do this again alright? I know I'm going to want to. I know after the conference I'll be riding high on a perfect weekend and I'll want to experience all of that again. When that time comes I expect you to remind me of today. Of the day when everything was flipped on it's head, and I had to scramble to pick up the pieces. Of my day off that ended up being more work than many of my actual days at work.

On the plus side I did manage to write up my May goals and now is as good a time as any to lay them out for you.
1) Write 750 words a day (shocking I know)
2) Make 2 videos for main channel (stepping it up from last month)
3) Read a book (down from April, but it will be a long book)
4) Save $200 (consistency is a good thing)
5) Write Wrockbox Show (there was bound to be a carryover)
6) Finish ALL Ascendio scheduling (halfway there will miles left to cover)
7) Write shot list for 3 music videos (excited for this one)
8) Read or cancel ALL magazine subscriptions (if I don't read it, I don't need it)
9) Spend less than $300 on credit card (lofty goal, we'll see how it goes)
10) Clean out my living space (get rid of stuff I don't use/need)

Along with those goals I also decided to make a sort of schedule for my 750 words a day. This way I have some general topic to discuss every day. Of course I'm likely to stray from these occasionally if I have something pressing to discuss, but I figured it was a good idea for now. So here is the weekly schedule.
Sunday- Flash Fiction (a story of some sort that is short and complete)
Monday- Current happenings (this could be news or something I saw on YouTube, etc)
Tuesday- Dungeons and Dragons Journal (campaign notes from Riley's PoV)
Wednesday- Simple Blogging (my day, my life, whatever I want)
Thursday- Finish stories or dreams (write something I started or flesh out a dream)
Friday- Reviews (Movies, books, TV shows, YouTube channels, whatever I want)
Saturday- Rants (It's the end of the week, I'll blow off some steam)

Basically that's what you have to look forward to from here on out. Hopefully this schedule will me it more enjoyable for you and me. The plan is that with all of these ideas planned out, I'll at least have a place to start every single day.

Other than Ascendio work I went to see a movie (which I'll discuss on Friday) and I watched some Supernatural (a TV show I really like). The newest episode featured Felicia Day, and if you'll allow me, I'd like to wax poetic about her from a moment. Felicia Day is a huge nerd to beat all nerds and I love basically everything she's ever done. She's just a little awkward, really smart, and very genuine about everything she does. I first found out about her when she stared in Doctor Horrible's Sing Along Blog, and have been hooked on her acting ever since. She stars in (and creates) a webseries about people who play World of Warcraft and her YouTube channel (Geek and Sundry) features a lot of witty, nerdy, funny videos. I feel like she's a very real person and that if we met in real life, we'd probably get along. I love that she's always so excited about her projects and not afraid to share that excitement. I enjoy watching her so much because she seems to be always enjoying herself. If you happen to be looking for something funny and carefree, check out

I'm almost finished with my 750 words, which is a wonderful thing since I'm starting to get super tired and I should really be sleeping instead of writing, but I'm also gchatting about Ascendio stuff so I really wouldn't be sleeping even if this blog was finished. Which it almost is. Look forward to a story tomorrow, and I can't wait to see what the rest of May bring for me. Life is really looking up.

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