Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June 13th

So, it's Wednesday, the day I discuss actual life. Of course that doesn't mean that this post will actually contain real content, cause that's just a silly idea. If you've been with me for any length of time you are well aware that I value quantity over quality in these posts. It's about getting my words out there.

This week was my first non training week at Guest Services. I've only worked two days, but so far so good. I ask a lot of questions, but I think that's a good thing. So far it seems like my comments are meeting with approval from the powers that be. Had my first encounter with an IT issue today, which lead to the writing of much more comments, so that was fun. I'm sort of finding my groove with keeping the lines short and getting my comments done, which is good. It took me WAY less time to bank out today than it did on Sunday, and I think that's a sign I'm improving. Everyone I work with has been amazingly helpful and even when I ask what turns out to be a stupid question, they're willing to lend me a hand. All in all work is going along quite well, and I'm excited to go back tomorrow. I do miss Mummy (read the people at Mummy) a bit, but I think I might pick up a shift there next week, so I can get my fix.

Life with the married couple has actually been quite lovely. Our apartment is slowly turning from the "wedding war zone" back into a mildly habitable environment. I actually came home from work today to find Chris cleaning and then he went on to clean the dishes as well. It made me incredibly happy. The permanent addition of Chris has also brought other lovely things to our home; movies, shelves, regularly cooked meals, and a cardboard Boba Fett. I love our Boba Fett. He rests in the corner of the living room and I'll admit that he startles and scares me at least once a day. It usually goes something like this...

Mallory wanders into the living room, casually. She glances around that room and SEES A TALL SHADOWY FIGURE STANDING IN THE CORNER WHOISTHATIAMTERRFIEDAHHHHHHHHH! Mallory gasps, or on some occasions yelps, and then realizes that it's only Boba Fett. It's only Boba Fett. We have a freaking Boba Fett! We're SO cool!

Lather, rinse repeat.

We're also working on (perhaps) moving into a three bedroom. Nothing is set in stone, or even scribbled on paper, but I'm keeping my hopes up. I honestly don't care much at this point if we move apartments or just switch rooms, but Sara would like to move. We do have the issue of not having apartmate number four anymore, so we're going to have to do interviews for one. The way I imagine these interviews going in my head is probably hugely inaccurate, but until they happen in real life I'll stick with the awesome fantasy. We know that all potentials need to like Harry Potter and be alright with cats. The rest of the criteria is a little more flexible, but we've agreed that we all need to approve of them. I think this will make us happier in the end. Due to this vague possibility that my habitat will change, I've been trying a super clean of my room. You'll remember that I started this in May, but now I'm really getting to it. Today I went through my closet and made a HUGE pile of stuff to take to Salvation Army. I realized that I've lived here for almost a year, and if I haven't touched that stuff in that time, it's probably not going to change. I'll be continuing this tend, going from drawer to drawer, until I feel that I've lightened my possessions enough to pack things for a move.

I've been making good on my vow to keep up with YouTube despite the insane number of channels I'm subscribed to. Sometimes I think that I watch too much, but then I realize that everyone has their vices, and mine could be gambling, or cocaine, so I think a little daily YouTube watching it totally alright. I've also been reading a bit too much fanfiction, but I did finish a book (that I technically started in May) and I have another book ready to go. Meg got me a choose your own adventure zombie apocalypse book, and I already know it's gonna be awesome. Seems like something I might need, what with that man in Miami who ate another guys face. The zombies are coming, are you prepared?

Until tomorrow.

Monday, June 11, 2012

June 11th

I've been debating between writing about Sylvia more or perhaps more flash fiction. You'd figure I would have made this decision before I sat down to type, but that would just make sense, and I'm not really one for making sense. I still have a bunch of 750 words to catch up on, but I'll deal with that at another time. For now I'll just worry about the words for today. I'll just pick another picture and write a story.
Every time they look at me I can feel what they're thinking. They edge away from me, take the long way so they don't have to cross my path. Every single one of them is terrified of me. Worried that what I am, what I can do, is contagious. Mother's pull away their children and more than once a restaurant or store has turned down my money. Even the churches, supposedly places of peace and solace, have refused me entry. I wish I cared as little as I tell people I do. I wish that it didn't burn a hole in my chest each time someone who used to be my friend makes a quick excuse not to see me, or avoids my phone calls, or turns the other way on the street.

They say I bring half of it on myself, dressing the way that I do. They say that if I didn't look like some vampiric princess; all black dresses and red lips, that people might actually get over all the rest. They forget, or want me to, that when this all started I didn't dress this way. When it all began two years ago, I wore jeans and t-shirts like everyone else. I didn't change my clothes until the whispers began, until best friends were suddenly always busy, until the first day "Witch" was spray painted on my locker. That's when I figured that I might as well look the part, since people were going to treat me that way regardless. At first I relished in the way they looked at me, the little spark of fear in their eyes, it served them right for turning their backs on me. Now, I'm just too tired to care. Even Mother barely speaks to me, and when she does she refuses to acknowledge the existence of all the rest. She pretends that I'm just a normal teenage girl, acting out by wearing Gothic clothing, even though we both know I'm anything but normal.

When Stacy died I thought my heart would never mend. It didn't matter to me that I was adopted, that we weren't sisters by blood, I loved her more than anything. At first I was angry that she left me with Mother, who looked at me strangely even back then, but as the days went by anger faded into sadness. I didn't move from my bed for weeks, couldn't even go to the funeral. I refused to accept that Stacy was really gone. I'd spend my nights dreaming that I went to that party with her, that I drove home when she got drunk, that we made it safely to our beds, that she awoke the next morning with nothing more serious than a hangover. When I finally reached the point that I could accept that Stacy was gone, she came to me.

The first time it happened I was in my room. It was late at night and the glimpse of her I got in the mirror was obviously my mind playing tricks on me. I didn't think much of it until the trick repeated the next morning. When she was staring me down, pale and winged, in the middle of the school playground, I finally had to acknowledge that what I was seeing was real. I was thrilled beyond belief, so thrilled that I made the worst mistake of my life; I told someone. I was so happy to have Stacy back that I didn't think twice about sharing what I'd found, and once I acknowledged Stacy, they all started coming. Soon I met more of the dead while walking to school than I did the living.

I can feel Stacy's arms around my shoulders right now. She's telling me that I'm doing good, that I'm helping those who are dead. I try to believe that, and a part of me does believe that, but another part of me fights it. That part of me remembers what life was like before I saw them, the happiness I had, and misses it. The price for keeping Stacy has been the lose of every living friend I ever had. Yet, as I look at her face, and the happy faces of those around her, I realize it's a price I'm willing to pay. After all, these are friends I'll have for eternity.
Until tomorrow.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

June 10th

I decided to base a story off of this image.
The autumn leaves fell around her as she stood amid the trees. She stared down at the white flowing dress and was once again struck by the insanity of what was happening. What sort of life was she living? She just wanted to run away, to escape back to the abandoned castle where she'd last felt safe. Before she could get her body to obey her heart a strong hand ringed her wrist.

"Thinking of running darling?" The man's voice was even larger than his hands. "You can try if you want, but that will only make it worse." A deep laugh escaped the cage of his yellowing teeth and thick black beard. She fought down the bile that rose in her throat. She knew what she had to do, even if she hated it.

"Of course not." She managed to choke out. "I was merely imagining how wonderful my life is going to be. The excitement got to me." She tried to smile, she knew it looked fake, but it seemed to please the man. He loosened his grip on her wrist from painful to merely restrictive.

"The Prince will be pleased to hear that. He is also excited for this day." The man was grinning now, and a few of the other men (her honor guard) joined in. She fought hard to keep the tears from her eyes. Once again she considered escape, but the pressure on her wrist and the five other men surrounding her reminded her that it was a foolish notion. Instead she used her free hand to fiddle with the long flowing dress, and gently ran her fingers over the slim dagger hidden at her thigh. She had been lucky that the Prince had forbidden his men to watch her dress, or she doubted she'd have even this small comfort.

The man pulled her along as they continued their march through the shadows of the forest, and she found the crunch of dead leaves under her feet rather fitting for a day like this. Ahead she could see the small gazebo and the rows and rows of chairs laid out in front of it. Hundreds of people looked to her as she walked, but not a single one was a familiar face. At the gazebo stood the Prince, dressed in a beautiful dark blue suit, looking deceptively dashing. She had to admit that from the outside he seemed like a dream, beautiful, strong, and rich, but she knew better. She'd known from the second she met him.

The way he'd held her face, roughly, and turned her head this way and that. He'd touched her hair, her face, her body, like she was a statue and not a person. He never spoke to her, just at her, calling her "the girl". She tried to speak to him early on, to understand what was happening, but he'd only laughed at her as one would a pet. In fact, since she'd met him, she'd often felt like a pet. He dressed her up and lead her around wherever he went. He never spoke to her, and neither did his subjects, they treated her like a beautiful bird. They complimented the Prince on how beautiful "the girl" was and hands were constantly running over her body and through her hair. She imagined that this is what life as a cat was like, but while cats seemed to enjoy it, she did not. But she learned early on not to complain.

She'd been with the Prince for barely two days when she couldn't take it anymore. She couldn't handle being petted and ignored like a dog. In the middle of dinner she demanded that somebody tell her what was going on, and that the Prince show some respect, she wasn't an animal. The Prince had politely excused himself, explaining to the court that "the girl" was having a rough time adjusting to court life. She still remembered his bruising grip on her arm and the vein that stood out on his neck as he lead her from the hall. She didn't return to meals in the hall for five days, which is how long it took the bruises on her face and body to fade. When she did return she sat in calm silence, allowing the conversation to flow around her, and meekly submitting to the caresses of the Prince and his court.

Now, three weeks later, she was dressed in white, and walking down the aisle towards the one person she hated most in the world. The bruises on her back, badges from her escape attempt yesterday, were hidden by layers of fabric, but she felt them as she walked. In a daze she repeated the words when prompted and accepted the Prince's rough and possessive kiss without reaction. Before she knew it she was being swept through the applauding crowd. There was food and dancing and everyone stepped forward to congratulate the Prince and caress her face or hair. The evening seemed to go on forever and it was well after midnight before the Prince took her back to his chambers. Nothing the Prince did was gentle, but she endured silently until he finally fell into satisfied slumber.

When his breath deepened she slipped from the bed. As there were no other clothes in the Prince's room, she pulled on the white dress once more, checking to make sure the dagger was still hidden in the folds. She gently pushed open the door and was delighted to find the hallway empty. The Prince's men were likely taking part in their own late night celebrations. She crept down the hall silent as a ghost and made her way out of the castle. The guards at the gate were distracted by a pitcher of wine and a group of young serving girls. Everyone so focused on celebration that they never thought to turn their eyes to the forest.

As soon as she entered the trees she began to run. The leaves crumbled under her feet and tangled in her dress. Branches pulled at her hair, but she didn't dare slow her pace. She made it to the ruins just as the sun was beginning to rise. She crept through the eroded rooms until she came to the place it all began. She stared through the circular window at the rising son. This was the place she'd fallen asleep, it had seemed so comforting then. When she awoke, to a rough possessive kiss from the Prince, it had been anything but. Her home nothing but ruins, everyone she knew long gone and forgotten. Nothing left for her but a Prince who didn't love her and a court that saw her as nothing but a pretty creature. Since the moment she'd been awoken she'd wanted nothing more than to return to her slumber, to her family and friends. Now she had the chance. She climbed onto the bed under the window and laid down. As the alarm bells rang through the trees, announcing her escape from the castle, she slipped the dagger from her skirt, slid it smoothly through her skin into her heart, and closed her eyes; ready to dream.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

June 9th

I spent most of today with Meg, and we had a ton of fun so I feel like today is another day for a list of wonderful things.

Munchkin- The entire point of this game is to destroy monsters and cheat, and I love it. I've never played a bad game of Munchkin. As long as everyone comes in expecting to have a blast, that is what is gonna happen.

Magic the Gathering- I'm just starting to play this card game, but I already like it quite a bit. I play only for fun, and that means no stress, and lots of laughter.

Reorganizing- I don't necessarily like to vacuum or wash things, but I LOVE reorganizing my space. Since we're considering the moving thing, I've been doing a lot of that.

Star Wars- I feel like I've said this before, but another day at Star Wars weekends has solidified this in my brain. Despite my love for Harry Potter, there is still something special and different about everything Star Wars. I think it's just been with me so long that it holds a special place in my heart.

Chocolate- I just ate a chocolate bar, and the plain creamy milk chocolate, is still the best. I don't need anything fancy, the plain chocolate is just fine by me.

Frozen Vegetables- I buy them cheap, they last forever, and I can just throw them in the pot with my Ramen noodles. I'll never claim to eat healthy, but I don't do too bad.

Sharpies- I love sharpies, in all different colors. They draw on anything, and make a great tool for temporary tattoos.

Pokemon- I grew up playing those games, and I still like playing them to blow of steam to this day. Besides, I still haven't managed to catch them all, but someday I will.

Sushi- This is probably my current favorite food, and I would eat sushi for every single meal if I had that kind of money. Instead I settle for eating it about once a month, often less. My favorite sushi roll is salmon tempura rolls, but most places don't have them. Pretty much every single restaurant carries California rolls, and I like those too.

Writing- Despite the fact that sometimes I'm writing these 750 words late at night and without a single idea, I find that I actually enjoy it. I've also found that I feel a lot more like writing fiction, and look forward to my fiction days. Writing is fun for me, and I like to bring out those characters in my head and let them run around a little.

Milk- Everyone has their drink of choice for when you need to cool down, and mine is milk. I find it super refreshing and it has a little more going for it than just plain water. Plus less sugar than soda. Better for me and delicious, I really can't go wrong.

Converse shoes- I love the way they look and feel and just wearing a pair makes me feel so happy. I think that's largely because I associate them very strongly with Wizard Rock and all my Potter friends. So even thought I might be miles away from all those people, wearing converse makes me feel connected to them.

The Sims- I haven't played a lot of video games lately, there's been a lot of other things on my plate, but I will always love the Sims. My favorite part of most games is creating a character and writing their story (can you tell I like to write yet), and the Sims is basically only making a character and writing their story. It's everything I want and doesn't include all of the things, like shooting enemies, that I'm notoriously terrible at.

Doctor Who- I can't get enough of a ton of British TV shows, but Doctor Who tops that list for sure. From characters to plot to dialogue, I'm always impressed with each episode, and I find myself falling more and more in love with the show each time I watch. Who wouldn't want to learn more about a man who traveling through space and time in a police box.

Temporary tattoos- I do have a single real tattoo on my foot, and I'm considering a couple other ideas, but I will still use temporary tattoos. There's just something great about being able to cover myself in art that I know will come right off in a day. Plus there's the sparkle factor. There are TONS of glittery metallic temporary tattoos, but I have yet to ever see a sparkly actual tattoo.

Until tomorrow.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

June 7th

My eyes close and my mind wanders. Slowly, I begin to forget where I am, but soon an announcement comes over the intercom or I turn ever so slightly and catch a whiff of industrial cleaner, then it all comes flooding back. The sounds of the hospital fill my ears. The cries and grunts of expecting mothers and the worrisome shifting of feet by the fathers. The yelling fights at the nurse's station over insurance, and the ragged breathing of the injured. The continuous crying of the people in the waiting room, but whether because they are happy or sad I have no idea. Luckily with my eyes closed I can still ignore the reason I'm here. Yet, I still smell the much to lemony industrial cleaner, the sour disinfectant, and the salty stench of blood. Tears fill my still closed eyes.
I fight them down, try to think of something else, anything to avoid thinking about what I am doing in a hospital. Someone stumbles into my leg, but I refuse to open my eyes, and let them continue on their way. I know that if I open my eyes now, everything is lost, I will no longer be able to ignore the truth. I focus my mind on the past, on happier times, happier days. My thoughts immediately travel to the day I met Jessie.

I'd been working outside in the hot sun, building a shed for my father, when he walked up to me. He said he'd been walking down the street when he noticed a young girl doing work that was obviously meant for two. He reached over my shoulder and held up a board so I could nail it in. He offered his help, and I accepted. It quickly became clear that he wasn't really of any use as a carpenter, but he was pleasant to talk to, and even more pleasant to look at, especially when he took off his shirt. When I finally finished building the shed I invited Jessie in for a cold drink and a snack. He spoke just as easily to my father as he had to me, and when he finished his drink I invited him to help me paint the shed the next day. I was sixteen then.

"Dr. Matson, please report to OR 7, Dr. Matson, please report to OR 7." A woman's voice fizzles through the intercom. My eyes flash open, only for a second, but that's long enough. The fluorescent light burns my eyes, but the momentary blindness fades quickly, and the waiting room comes into sharp focus. I shut my eyes almost instantly, but the vision of the room is seared onto the back of my eyelids. I can see the nurse behind the counter shaking her head at the man argueing with her. I can see the bloddy bandaged arm of the man sitting next to me. I can see the little girl hugging her mother's legs and crying. I can see the forms in my hands, the ones I've been writing I can't think of them. Think of anything else.

Jessie planned a completely insane eighteenth birthday for me. He said he wanted my initiation into adulthood to be unforgettable. I asked him if he actually wanted me to grow up considered that the celebration consisted of finger painting, play doh, roller skating, and watching lots of children's movies. Still, it was the most fun I'd had in a long time, the most fun I'd had since my mother died. When the night ended in a pillow fight and a not quite so innocent sleep over I knew it would be my best birthday ever. It was also the first time I told Jessie I loved him.

"Ms. Harrison, Melody?" says a voice above me. Reluctantly I open my eyes and look up at the nurse. She gives me a sad smile. "Have you finished the paperwork?" I glance down at the forms, only half finished, and shake my head.

"I'm's just...I can't" I stutter to a stop. I'm not sure how to explain what I'm thinking to the nurse, but she simply smiles and lays her hand over mine.

"It's quite alright, there will be time for that later. Right now they are ready for you." She stands and I follow without really thinking about it or paying attention to where I'm going. She leads me down the hall to a small room. There is a doctor there and she offers me the same sad smile. I try not to look around, not to see the bed, but I can't help myself. Jessie lies there, his face barely recognizable, half his body covered in casts. Beeping and pulsing machines surround his body, tubes run into him from every side. When I can't bear the sight of it anymore I turn to the doctor.

"We've done everything we could, but I'm afraid the injuries were too severe. He likely won't make it another hour. I'm surprised he's managed to hang on this long. I'm so sorry." I hear the doctor's words, but I can't accept them, they can't be true.

"But, he's only nineteen, we're supposed to get married next week. We have an entire life to live." I say, feeling the tears start to flow down my cheeks. The nurse squeezes my hand, but I shake her off and go to Jessie. "You can't be dying, I won't allow it. You promised me vanilla cake and a honeymoon I would never forget. You can't leave me now."

I grab Jessie's hand and hold tight, but he doesn't squeeze back. I sit there, crying and begging him not to leave as the heart monitor begins to blip slower and slower. Then I lean down and kiss him until I hear nothing but the long steady beep that tells me my best friend is gone forever.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June 6th

I feel like I should have something to blog about, but honestly my life has been nothing but work and sleep with a little YouTube and Hulu thrown into the mix. I love my new position at Guest Services, tomorrow is my last day of training, and I'm incredibly excited to be out on my own. I already adore what I'm doing, and I find that it's a much better fit than my attractions job. Of course I still miss the people I used to work with at Mummy, but I'll still visit them, and I'll make new friends at guest services.

Aside from work, and the wedding which I already discussed at length, I haven't done much with my life. Those two things have taken enough time that I've pretty much just been writing 750 words and sleeping aside from that. I still haven't made my June goals despite the fact that I'm six days into the month. However, I know that I'll get there. In fact let's make a goal right now. My goal is to spend most of Saturday catching up on work that has fallen to the wayside. I need to catch up on Ascendio emails, make June goals, edit my Star Wars weekend video, make a Ravenclaw & Weasley video, and probably tons of other things that I'm just not thinking of right now.

I got to spend some time with Meg and we've been planning a surprise for the newly wedded couple (which I feel like I can discuss here because no one actually reads this blog). We've come up with this idea of a "fantasy honeymoon" that involves traveling around our apartment while actually visiting The Shire, Forks Washington, Hogwarts, Cat in the Hat, and a cliche Honeymoon Suite. We've come up with really simple decorations and some sort of gift or food for each different world. I'm hoping that we can manage to pull it off and that Sara and Chris enjoy it. I think they will appreciate the idea if nothing else. Plus it will be a lot of fun, and Meg is out of school so timing isn't really much of an issue.

I'm also planning to return to Star Wars weekends this Friday, and I think I'll probably film more video while I'm there. Then I'll have WAY too much footage that I can pare down to a thoughts from places. I have this crazy idea of doing a song to the Star Wars main theme about everything I saw. It has potential to be either funny and awesome or completely out of tune and cringe inducing. I suppose I'll have to let the viewers make that decision. Not that I have many more viewers than I do readers of this vlog, but I like to pretend. Sometimes I wonder if I would like to have a blog that people actually read and commented on. Then I remember that having an audience means that I would have to produce content that was actually worthy of a readership, and I just have no interest in that. I would much rather continue to write filler words and grammatically incorrect sentences about completely uninteresting topics. It makes me happy.

I still have about 200 words to write, and they aren't flowing like they do when I write my Dungeons and Dragons journals. I love getting into Riley's head, she's different than the characters I usually play. Plus there's the fact that the campaign itself is proving to be interesting enough to provide plenty of subject matter for my 750 words a day. It's funny because the people I play D&D with are fascinated and a little amazed that I write 750 words a day, while I simply enjoy it and think it's not that difficult. I read a blog today on Nerd Fitness that talked about building habits. They were mostly concerned with fitness habits, but I realized it works the same for anything. The reason I find my 750 words so easy is because I made it a habit, and something I enjoy instead of a chore. I know that I could (and likely should) do the same with exercise and eating better, but I don't have the same motivation.

Which reminds me of something I heard on the radio today. They were discussing lies that people tell themselves, things like "I'm going to start exercising". We tell ourselves these things even though we know they aren't true. They wanted to know what everyone's biggest (or most common) lie is. I thought about it for awhile, and I do tell myself a lot of lies about eating healthy or not spending money or exercising, but I realized that none of those were my biggest/most common lie. The lie I tell myself most often is "I'm going to go to bed early tonight." Every morning when I struggle to get out of bed I tell myself that I'm going to go to sleep earlier to make up for it. I told myself that lie this morning, and here it is 11pm and I'm decidedly not in my bed asleep.

Until tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June 5th

The door to the fourth floor creaks open and I step into the large round room. The others pile in, but they are suddenly stopped short by a wall of lightening that springs up in our path. Zog, or at least the Orc wizard that Ariella identifies as Zog, is seated on his throne and wrapped around him is an incredibly sexy elf. I hate her immediately and the sickly sweet spell that I associate with my fiery bursts of anger fills my nostrils. I instantly recognize her as a demon succubus, but I'm not sure where that knowledge comes from. She leans over to whisper in Zog's ear and like a puppet he casts a spell upon us. Suddenly I feel sluggish and slow and I notice Pixie, Dread Pirate Roberts, and Foxface also seem to be feeling slow. Rouge outright drops to the floor in a dead sleep. The succubus simply smiles and continues to coyly whisper in Zog's ear.

I shoot a bust of flame at the succubus, but she seems mostly unaffected by the blast. The Dread Pirate Roberts walks through the lightening wall, taking a serious hit but managing to dispel the lightening for everyone else. Ariella screws up her face, but near as I can tell whatever spell she tried to cast was ineffective. The Dread Pirate Roberts waves his hands as well, I wasn't even aware that he had magic, but again nothing happens. Suddenly Zog tells us that he will help us as long as we move on. It seems that Ariella got through to him after all. He whispers to the succubus and she pouts and puffs out of existence. The sickly sweet smell fades, but I can't stop thinking about the familiarity of the succubus' smell. Ariella informs us that if we can keep her from Zog for a day her hold over him will break. They seem intent on hatching a plan to keep Zog away from the succubus. I know that he's important to the mission, but my eyes keep getting drawn to the brand on my arm, and I can't concentrate. I sneak away to find the succubus.

As I creep down the stairs I notice that Foxface is following me. Try as I might I can't get him to turn back. I'm hesitant to find the succubus with him, because I'm sure that he expects me to kill her, and that's not my plan. Still, I don't have much of an option, so I let him believe what he wants. We find the succubus taking out her frustration on the body of the apprentice. Foxface transforms into a fox and stays outside the room. I lounge comfortably at the door, unruffled by her anger or the carnage. I talk my way around the information I truly want, what does the mark on my arm mean, and also try and strike a deal with her. I remind her that she's wasting potential by killing apprentices and servants, not to mention that she's drawing unnecessary attention to herself. She insists that Zog is special and powerful, but I remind her that if she continues on as she has been we won't be the only ones who come looking.

I finally get her to agree to let us gain all the information, knowledge, and assistance we need from Zog WITHOUT her interference, at which point we will leave her to her lover. She agrees to the terms and proceeds to agree to clean up the home and try not to kill and maim all the apprentices. I also manage to get from her that my father must have been a demon prince, for they are the only ones who can sew their seed among mortals. His name is branded upon my body but she'd have to flay me in order to reveal it. As it is my identity should be hidden from all but other demons. Satisfied I leave, and manage to avoid Foxface's questions when The Dread Pirate Roberts appears. I fill him in on the agreement and we return to Zog.

Ariella is still telling the story of our journey of Kough when we return. After a short while the succubus pops back in and demands a kiss as Zog hadn't actually began to help us yet. Ariella tries to prevent the kiss and that gives enough time for Zog to sip the wine he is holding, and he immediately banishes the succubus. Apparently Milk had laced the wine with friendship potion while we were off talking to the succubus. Foxface is looking at me with curiosity, but I'm able to avoid his eyes and his questions while we deal with Zog.

Zog shares with us the knowledge he has of the artifact, which is apparently a large marble tub, not a cup as we believed. It was last held by dwarves in the Fen mountains about a hundred miles from town. We are able to acquire horses and Zog enchants them to move much faster. He also offers us a companion, and orc named Oog, who appears to be some sort of strange wizard. Oog is covered in arcane tattoos, and I find myself intrigued by his abilities. We gather supplies and prepare for our journey to the mountains. Zog wishes he could journey with us, but he can't leave his tower with all that happened.

When we head out to the inns for the night I find Foxface blocking my path, I knew that this moment would come. He demands to know what leverage, what camaraderie, I had with the succubus. I tell him that I had never seen her until that day, but her smell was familiar to me, and she knew me by smell as well. I tell him something that I have NEVER told another soul, that I never knew my father, but that apparently he is from the other side. I don't bother to explain that this means my father is a demon prince, and a powerful one at that, but I get the feeling that Foxface understood the subtext. I make sure that Foxface understands that if others gain this knowledge, he will lose his life. He leaves me to my room, but I find my mind filled with spinning thoughts and worries. I know the journey in the morning will be long, but other things plague my mind at the moment, and I can't seem to find the sleep I know I need.

Monday, June 4, 2012

June 4th

There is a list about as long as my arm of stuff that I need to be doing, but I'm just tired and I want to write my 750 words and go to sleep. The list will just have to sort itself out later. It will, I have faith in my abilities, but it's not happening right now.

While I procrastinate on all that I guess I'll try and entertain you with my remaining 600 or so words. Well, perhaps bore you into mindless submission might be be a more accurate description. But you must read this for a reason, so I'll just have to continue to hope that you enjoy my dry wit and my fantastic grasp of the narrative language. That or this blog is so terrible that reading it is similar to watching a car crash, it's bad for you but you just can't help yourself. Leave me a comment and let me know which way you feel.

Now that I've sufficiently padded my word count with an ample amount of content-less fluff, I guess I'll move on to things you might actually want me to talk about, like work and this wedding that I went to yesterday. Or I could continue with nonsense until you quit reading it and then proceed to repeat a single word over and over to reach 750 because I know that no one is actually paying attention anyway...but I would never do that. I value you too much as a reader...I promise...for now.

Yesterday was the wedding of my apartmate Sara to her boyfriend/fiance/crush Chris. The ceremony was outside in a lovely park, and the reception was just across the way in a different, but equally lovely, park. The wedding was very DIY, with Chris and Sara (and Meg and I a bit) doing everything from decorating the venue, to making the cake, to arranging the flowers, to creating all the centerpieces and more. I was Maid of Honor (wearing a dress I got to pick myself, which was wonderful of Sara), so I had quite a list of duties day of. It might have been a little insane, but I wouldn't have changed a minute of it.

Beginning at 8am Sara and I went out to the parks to set up everything. We (with help from Sara's family when they arrived) rearranged the picnic tables in the pavilion, swept the area, decorated the ceiling with hanging paper flowers, curly paper vines, and lots of draping fabric. We also covered the tables with the rented cloths and laid out all the centerpieces and cameras and props. We got the food and gift tables ready to be filled when the time arrived and then headed over to the actual ceremony space. Over there we set up chairs, hung fabric for an aisle, and arranged items on the small stage where the ceremony would take place. Then it was time to vacate the premises so that Chris could come in and do his part of the setup (he of course wasn't allowed to see Sara).

We returned to the apartment where it was time to get hair and makeup done by one of Sara's friends. I was the lucky girl who got to go first because there were some other things that I needed to handle before the wedding began. I got my hair braided and curled, put on my dress, let Meg convince me to wear eye shadow, and then headed out to drive Chris to the hotel where he was supposed to change. After he felt prepared we headed over to the park to make the final preparations (like setting out drinks and ice and food) before Sara and the rest of the wedding guests arrived. Once everything was finally set it was time for the actual ceremony to begin.

The wedding, which began around 4:30, was simple and beautiful. We walked down the aisle and then the wedding party sat in the front row while Chris and Sara exchanged rings and vows and bows. Sara looked absolutely stunning and everyone cried. Once the recessional was finished it was time for everyone to make quick work of cleaning up the ceremony site and loading up the chairs. Then the guests headed over to the reception area (now complete with food and cake) while the wedding party wandered the park and took hundreds of lovely photos. I can't wait to see how they all turn out because I believe they will be quite stunning.

When picture taking was over the newly wedded couple were presented at the reception. There was a lot of cheering, a lot of toasting, a fair bit of kissing, and truly incredible amount of cake. Everyone had a wonderful time and it was truly a place of extreme happiness. After people started to say their goodbyes it was time to clean up the reception area and pack everything away to bring back to the apartment. By the time I arrived home (alone, as the wedded couple had other engagements) and unpacked it was about 10pm. All in all it was a day well spent.

Now I'm not saying that the wedding went flawlessly. Like any event it had it's share of hiccups, but we handled them all. The truth is that when it comes to the nitty gritty of getting things done when it all seems to be falling apart, that's where I excel. I love the rush of running around and doing a hundred different things to make sure that whatever is going on is the best it can be. That's what I want to do with my life, and I wouldn't have changed a thing about the day even if I could. Besides, as I was fond of reminding everyone yesterday, as long as the wedding has a bride, a groom, and an officiator it's a success; everything else is just bonus. Well, except maybe cake, for me cake is as necessary as any other element.

Until tomorrow.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

June 3rd

Today Sara & Chris got married. I thought that I'd want to write about the ceremony and reception, but I've decided that I'll save that for tomorrow. I feel like writing some fiction right now. Actually, I sorta feel like writing about Sylvia, my HP fanfiction character. This won't really be a story, more like background information on her.
Sylvia grew up in an orphanage after her mother was killed. She met Harry when they started primary school and became fast friends. They never saw each other outside of school (Sylvia tried once but the Dursleys punished Harry and she never asked to visit again), but it didn't seem to dampen their friendship. Sylvia had a strong protective instinct and she stood up for Harry (and others) when no one else would. At the orphanage the older kids made fun of her for spending time with animals. She got picked on a lot and the staff didn't care enough to stop them from mistreating her. Despite the fact that she would defend Harry, or anyone else who got picked on, to the ends of the earth, she never had much to say when it came to defending herself.

Sylvia was always able to talk to animals but she learned at a VERY early age that the ability was a secret best kept to herself. However, it never occurred to her that this talent (and the other things that happened around her) were magic and not just her being a "freak", as she was often called by the other children in the orphanage. Then she received her Hogwarts acceptance letter, and her whole world changed. One visit from Professor Kettleburn later, she had supplies, a wand, and a tiny kitten all packed and ready to head to Platform 9 3/4. Her only misgiving was that she couldn't tell Harry or her few other friends and she was hesitant to leave them without her protection. Her animal friends could follow her, her human friends could not. Imagine her incredible happiness when she arrived on the train to find Harry already seated.

Sylvia actually managed to thrive at Hogwarts, where she was sorted into Gryffindor after the sorting hat debated the positive qualities of Ravenclaw. Although she still didn't tell anyone she could speak to animals, since no one was telling her that they could either. She found that she loved the classes and the students and especially the creatures in the Forbidden Forest. Harry didn't need her protection anymore, it turned out that in this world he was famous. He found some great friends and while Sylvia was still involved in his life and helped him with trials, she also found friends of her own. She met Fred and George Weasley on the train, and found it easy to fall into their world of tricks and pranks, especially since speaking to her animal friends gave her an edge in their prank wars.

When it came to classes Sylvia did decently well for a child raised in the Muggle world. She loved to read and found that despite what everyone said, she rather enjoyed History of Magic. Sylvia found making potions to be very relaxing, but she found facing Professor Snape and fighting down the urge to hex him over the way he treated Harry and the other Gryffindors quite stressful. Charms was fun and she found that she had a natural talent for the protective spells they learned in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Astronomy wasn't particularly interesting, but it did happen outside, largely at night, and got points in Sylvia's book for that. Transfiguration on the other hand was an entirely different beast. She wanted so much to please the professor, but try as she might Sylvia couldn't bring herself to transfigure any living creature. Often she would sneak the creature away and transfigure something from her bag instead. This only proved to be an issue when McGonagall decided to reverse the transfiguration. Herbology was also a challenge for Sylvia. She had a natural knack when it came to animals, but plants seemed to go out of their way to mystify and annoy her. Sylvia discovered early on that Neville Longbottom was good in the greenhouse and worked her way to sit next to him.

Outside of classes there were many things that Sylvia loved, starting with the fact that mail was delivered by owls. She didn't have anyone to send her packages, but she found out she could order Wizarding newspapers so that the owls would visit daily. Then there were all the creatures that lived on the grounds, the students she met, and all the adventures she could get up to while at school, but more on that lately.

Until tomorrow.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

June 2nd

Gosh June is off to a very hectic start. Between Meg's birthday and preparing for Sara's wedding it's been nothing but busy in my world. That doesn't leave much time for raves or rants, but I still have 750 words to write so I suppose I'll have to buckle down and spit out something. I think I'll go back to the age old list of things I love and why I love them. I'll try to change it up from the last time, but I make no promises.

Nerdfighters- No matter how you meet it's guaranteed that the other person will be awesome. Even if they are a person you've never seen before, but they happen to be wearing a DFTBA records shirt or mention something nerdy, you just flash the gang sign and BOOM instant friends.

Dishwashers- I actually enjoy washing dishes by hand, but with the volume of dishes we've gone through lately in preparation for this wedding, I'm incredibly thankful to have a dishwasher. Life is just so much easier this way.

Artistic Friends- Nothing makes me happier than receiving something that someone else has drawn/painted/sculpted for me. I think it's because art is not a talent I possess and so I feel blessed to receive it from others.

Lizards- Tiny lizards are everywhere in Florida and they provide endless hours of entertainment. I spend a lot of time trying to catch one, but have yet to succeed, they're quick little buggers.

The phrase "Cheers, love"- Nothing, and I really mean nothing flatters me more than a British guy saying that in passing. I'm not sure if it's the phrase or the accent or a mix of the two, but it always makes me feel confident and attractive. This is ridiculous I'm aware, but knowing that doesn't change how I feel.

New friends- Meeting new people is one of my favorite activities, and turning them into friends is even better. It's just great to add to my list of local friends, especially if it adds to the list of people I actually hang out with.

Disney World- I know, I work for Universal, this is close to blasphemy, but it's true. There's just something almost magical about Disney World and no matter how many times I go there I find myself just as excited as the very first time I went.

Harry Potter Fanfiction- When I'm sitting around bored nothing gets my brain pumping like a well written fanfic. I'm a big fan of angsty plots and lots of hurt and comfort from the main characters. They are fun to read and they get my creativity flowing.

Taking Pictures- I'm not great at it, I wouldn't even claim to be adequate, but I do love taking pictures. This pictures aren't of anything in particular, just what I feel like photographing at the time.

Bad ABC Family movies- Technically it doesn't have to be an ABC Family movie, but they have the best bad movies. What makes these movies bad is usually an overly romanticized and predictable storyline filled with WAY too many convenient breaks. All of these things are what make them wonderful to watch and make fun of though.

Walking- Just taking a walk, especially when I don't actually have to go anywhere is very relaxing. It gives me a chance to just think about things or listen to music.

Slippers- Yes, it's regularly 90 degrees outside, yet when I'm inside the air conditioned apartment I always manage to be a little cold. Slippers keep my feet warm and keep me from getting sick.

Cake- Delicious, not at all nutritious, and one of my favorite foods. It seems like you really can't go wrong with cake.

Naps- I really haven't gotten enough sleep lately but naps have saved my sanity. It still blows my mind how a 30 minute nap can somehow leave me feeling more refreshed than a 6 or 7 hour night of sleep.

The Vlogbrothers- Aside from the creation of Nerdfighters I owe Hank and John Green credit for most of what I know about current events. I also owe them for a lot of knowledge I've lately gained about science and history. Plus they write good books, funny songs, and make ever interesting videos.

Dresses/Skirts- I used to hate wearing dresses (and skirts), but I've started to like them, especially shorter ones, as a nice way to stay cool in the summer. I still often struggle with the lack of pockets, but it's mostly just taught me to travel lighter.

Until tomorrow.

Friday, June 1, 2012

June 1st

It's Friday, which means a review, but first I want to talk a bit about May & June goals.

May Goals
1) Write 750 words a day (check)
2) Make two videos for channel (check)
3) Read a book (I believe a 400 page fanfiction counts)
4) Save $200 (check)
5) Write Wrockbox show (yeah, so maybe this will never happen)
6) Finalize ALL Ascendio scheduling (check)
7) Make shot list for three music videos (nope)
8) Read or cancel all magazines (check)
9) Spend less than $300 on credit card (nope)
10) Clean out my living space (check)

7 out of 10, not bad.

June Goals
1) Write 750 words every day
2) Post one video on each channel
3) Save $200
4) Make shot list for one music video
5) Figure out where I'm living July 7th
6) Read a book (or a novel length fanfiction)
7) Figure out AV for Ascendio
8) Make sure everything is ready for Ascendio
9) Spend less than $400 on credit card
10) Keep up with YouTube/Hulu/Magazines

I've decided to review Snow White and the Huntsman. I got to see a special preview of it last night. The movie is out for everyone now, so I don't feel bad reviewing it here. I was pleasantly surprised by how good the movie is.


For those who don't know Snow White and the Huntsman is a retelling of Snow White starring Kristen Stewart as Snow White, Chris Hemsworth as the Huntsman, and Charlize Theron as Ravenna (the evil Queen). I would say it's a little closer to the original tale than the Disney version most people are familiar with. Naturally, I was super excited to see the film, as I have an incredible love for fairy tales and fairy tale retellings. I'd already seen Mirror, Mirror (the other Snow White adaptation to grace the silver screen this year) which was a comedy, so I was interested to see a more serious take on the tale.

From the instant the screen lit up to the closing credits, I was impressed with what I saw. The visual effects were fascinating and very well done. Ravenna had an army of soldiers that were made of shards of glass, and when they were attacked they shattered into pieces. Watching swords slice through glass soldiers was fascinating. Then there was the mirror that flowed like a liquid, the giant troll, the forest filled with things with eyes, the fairies that burst from squirrels, the butterflies that formed into beings. I was entranced by everything that passed across the screen.

Which is not to say that the movie was only visually stunning and had no other redeeming qualities. I enjoyed the plot quite a lot. As a fairy tale fan I'm familiar with the original versions of the stories as well and I was excited to see some of those elements involved in this story. I liked that Snow White wasn't the innocent child she's often portrayed as, she had heart and a better view of the world. I also loved that she didn't just fall for the handsome prince who thought she was beautiful, who in this story was a boy she'd known as a child. Instead she lost her heart to the huntsman who first set out to kill her and then eventually taught her to fight and helped her defeat the Queen. I felt a little bad for the poor Prince, but honestly the Huntsman was a better choice.

I also thought that the way they treated Ravenna and the lore surrounding her was unique and interesting. She was the villain, but was not a wholly evil being. She was manipulated by her mother and taught that power was the only way to stay happy. She gained youth and beauty by sucking it out of others, it was the power and curse granted to her by the mirror. By the end of the movie you felt sad for her, although you knew she was too far gone to be saved. Charlize did a fantastic job portraying all sides of that character and made every side completely believable.

I liked that Snow started a war (of sorts) rather than the Queen simply dying. It makes both characters stronger. I also liked the way the dwarves were treated, and that they had their own lore and powers. The addition of a prophecy of sorts, and a fairies was a nice touch. If you like fairy tales, then I'd recommend Snow White and the Huntsman.

Until tomorrow.