Tuesday, April 10, 2012

April 10th

I'm not entirely sure what to write about today. I got up early, showered (that's actually worth mentioning cause I'm often too lazy to shower in the morning), and worked for 7 hours. After work I picked up Meg, went grocery shopping, got Felix from the vet, and did a little bit of work for Ascendio. Then I went to D&D. Came home from that and here I am writing my 750 words.

One thing that is a little interesting is Felix. As you (I say you even though I know there's likely not a true you out there) know Felix got declawed. This means that his paws are really tender. He limps around a little, won't stand for long, and licks his pays constantly. He has some kitty pain killers to help with the pain and should be back to normal in a couple of weeks. The most interesting part of all this is that kitty litter can be very bad for him if it find a way into his stitches. What this means is that they wanted me to replace his litter with shredded newspaper, for the next 48 hours. This seems easy enough, and making the switch wasn't hard. The difficulty stems from the fact that the ever lovely Felix decided to nest in the litter box full of newspaper rather than use it for litter. I'm not sure where he plans to do his business, but I'm sure I'll find out tomorrow when I get home from work. At least it's only 48 hours.

I'm hoping that declawed Felix will be a little less destructive around the house, and that the carpet, at least, will be better off. It will be interesting to see how he adjusts once he's had a little time to heal up. I feel sad that he's in pain, but I know that it needed to be done. If he could have learned to use the scratching post we wouldn't have to worry about this, but some cats just can't be trained.

Still 400 words to go and I've basically exhausted the only exciting thing to happen in my life today. I'm sore, I'm tired, I have to work 10 hours tomorrow, and I'm totally ready for bed. Of course I can't sleep until I finish this, so I better come up with something to talk about.

I suppose I can talk briefly about reading. I used to inhale books, but I've sorta drifted away from that recently. I don't know if it's that I don't have time, or that I spend my time doing other silly things *coughhulucough* and reading gets forgotten. It's something I would like to work to change though because I do think that reading is important, and I miss immersing myself in the world of a book. I've been telling myself that if I stay caught up with Hulu, YouTube, emails, writing, work, then I'll have time to read, but it just seems like there aren't enough hours in the day for that.

Which reminds me of something else interesting. I recently watched a short documentary about different sleep cycles. Apparently the best sleep cycle is one where you take twenty to thirty minute naps every six hours. That means you only sleep for like two hours a day, but by training yourself to sleep in short bursts like that you actually enter REM sleep faster and get more out of the rests. That would free up 22 hours for me to do whatever I wanted or needed. Of course the issue with that is I can't really take a 30 minute nap at a specific time when I'm at work, and so every six hours isn't really plausible. Now if I get a job where I can go to lunch when I choose (and could spend it sleeping) this might be something I'd look into. I wouldn't mind those extra six or seven hours of time, and I certainly wouldn't object to being more awake and productive on less sleep. Plus, as an added bonus, this cycle is supposed to give you incredibly vivid dreams, and I happen to be a huge fan of dreams. I have quite strange and vivid dreams as it is, but having them so quickly would be pretty awesome.

Only 30 words left now, so I suppose I need some sort of finishing thought. Not that one single moral can really tie a crazy post like this together. I guess I'll settle for see you tomorrow. =)

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