Thursday, April 19, 2012

April 19th

Today was perhaps even a less interesting day than most of my days lately. I didn't work! That was a wonderful and welcome change from what has basically been the norm for a few weeks. However, since it was my first day off in awhile, I basically did nothing. I tried to sleep in, with only marginal success. Felix awoke me at 7:30am, because he can sense that I wanted to sleep in and so it became his mission to make sure I got up early to feed him. I did get up and feed the cat...and then I climbed right back into bed, cause I was tired. Much to Felix's disappointment, disappointed he shared quite vocally until I kicked him out of my room.

When I eventually saw fit to truly get up (about 10am) I showered and put on some comfy clothes. I then spent the next four hours watching Hulu while I caught up on some emails, some facebook, and some other things I needed to check out. Then I made lunch, and ate it. Shortly after that it was time to get ready for the only truely exciting thing happening today, my interview for guest services. I dressed myself quite nicely, black pants, heels, white sleeveless shirt, and a black sweater. I put my hair half up and wore a cute necklace. Then I arrived for the interview about 20 minutes early and sat in the waiting room and read The Help.

I knew going in that the interview that it was going to be a group interview, but it was not what I expected. The only other group interview I had been to consisted of the interviewer asking a question and the group of interviewees speaking up to answer as they choose. It also involved some group activities. Basically it seemed to be a way to show who was most outgoing and good at leadership and prepared. That's what I went in to this interview expecting. Instead it was more like a regular interview with spectators. The interviewers asked a question and then we went around the table and answered the question in order. It wasn't a bad way to do the interviewer, but it wasn't what I expected. At the end they informed me that I would have an answer, yes or no, by next Tuesday. So, I suppose I'll tell you more about it then.

Then I came home from my interview and watched some YouTube and talked to my parents and ate some popcorn and then I sat down here to write my 750 words. Of course I'm only 440 words in with all of that, so I suppose I'll have to sing of something else to say. Wait, sing? I meant think, that's what happens when I try and type this while I'm also watching YouTube videos. This is something that used to happen to me all the time, writing words I'm hearing when I try to multitask. I used to write papers in college and high school while listening to music, and you'd be surprised how often lyrics would find their way into my papers. That's what editing and second drafts are for, but here it's a one shot. I don't like to go back and change, that's not the point of this writing.

Something that has been all over my internet forums lately is The Cabin in the Woods, a new horror movie. It's interesting because a lot of the people who are talking about it mention that they don't normally go to horror films. I fall into this category. I don't go to horror movies ever if I can avoid it. I don't really enjoying them because what usually draws me to a movie is an interesting plot and witty or engaging dialogue, which horror movies aren't usually known for. Well, that and I may or may not often have terrible nightmares due to an overactive imagination, and I generally like to avoid that. However, I'm actually considering seeing this movie. Why, you ask? Because of two simple words Joss Whedon. Joss is the mastermind behind Firefly, Dollhouse, Doctor Horrible's Sing Along Blog, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Angel, all of which I adore. He has a fantastic style and his writing is always intriguing. After seeing what he can do with those shows, I think I might be willing to risk horrific nightmares for a chance at a unique horror movie. Plus, a lot of people I respect have seen and enjoyed the movie even if they didn't like horror movies. I'll let you know how it goes.

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