Friday, April 6, 2012

April 6th

This won't be the fastest 750 words I've ever written cause I'm watching Hulu as well and I KNOW I'm going to get distracted, but what does that matter anyway. The nice thing about no one reading this is there's no one to judge me. Of course there is a computer program that records my every move and keeps completely sterile records. It doesn't judge but it's also completely unsympathetic. I guess that means it'll help me write better, or at least quicker. It's absolutely unforgiving when I fail, and it doesn't matter how many excuses I can give, the program doesn't care.

This show I'm watching is SO good! I can't believe how much I'm enjoying it. It's called Awake by the way. Stars Jason Issacs as a man who was in a terrible car crash. Since the crash he basically lives his life in two realities. One where his wife died and one where his son died. He can't tell which is real (and we as the viewer are suspicious that it's all a fabrication and both or none might be real). I wouldn't be surprised if we find him in a coma at the end of this series (although that will be a bit of a cop out). I also wonder if perhaps the endgame is that he's part of an experiment that actually places the consciousness into different realities. They're testing to see if a psyche can handle that kind of pressure. Of course he will succeed, but not without a couple of breakdowns on the way. That's what's happening in this episode. He's seeing a penguin and he's been forgetting things and mixing up the two realities. The show is intense and fascinating. In fact I paused it cause I wanted to be able to focus on writing about it without being distracted by the show or vice versa.

Yes, it is a little sad how much of my 750 words every day has been about the TV shows I watch on Hulu, but what can I say? I like to relax by watching TV and it's not like I'm not going to work and doing all the other things I need to do. It's like an added bonus. I suppose I could be going out and having a night life, but that would likely cost money. Hulu is (basically) free and it's comfy and I like it. I figure doing what you like is never a bad thing as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.

Tomorrow I have plans to go out with Meg to Universal and see a concert and then she's going to spend the night here. Then on Sunday I'm going to meet her lovely British father. I think we'll have a blast! Then I might even go to Disney on Sunday before I have gaming, or maybe I'll go to Disney on Monday after I drop off Felix to get declawed. The possibilities are endless and I love it! It is a bit of a bummer that I'm going to have LOTS (like 9) straight days of work coming up, but the paychecks will be nice and I need the money. I'm trying to replenish my savings account (and I want to save up for something totally silly, an Xbox with Kinect). I think that although the Xbox might be seen as a total waste of money, it's nice to have goals like that. I'll be inspired to save with that as a reward. Plus it's a pretty physical gaming system, so I might even exercise more once I get one.

Still 150 words to go! I'm not sure what else I have to talk about. The universe has been smiling on my lately (it often does actually). Things are going really smoothly at work and I've been getting a lot of recognition. I go to work because I love the people I work with and enjoy my job, but that doesn't mean I don't like a little recognition every once in awhile. Lately it seems like the recognition is raining down on me, and I'm certainly not going to complain about that. Not that I complain about much. I don't much care for complaining. It's a lot of energy spent on little to no results. Complaining gets you no where, but a compliment and a smile, on the other hand, can work wonders. Remember that next time you're upset about something or at someone. Everyone likes a smile.

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