Saturday, April 14, 2012

April 14th

I know you're going to be shocked to hear this, but once again I don't know what to write about. I woke up at reasonable hour this morning, so I could get some stuff done at home before my afternoon shift at work. I managed to do a bit of cleaning around my room, change Felix back to normal litter, and do my laundry. Having Felix back on normal litter takes a lot of stress out of my life (it's so much easier to clean and he's back to being allowed outside). Doing my laundry felt good, although it did nothing to help get all the cat hair off of my sheets. In fact, all it seemed to do was spread the Felix fur onto everything else in the washer. Apparently, I need to use a roller or some tape and not a washing machine to rid myself of Felix hair.

Speaking of Felix and his fur, I should really start brushing him more. I brush him once a day, but he only sits still for so long and I don't often try again. This is something I need to change, because the hair is getting crazy. I vacuum once a week or so and I have to empty the collection bin about 6 times doing just the kitchen, living room, and my room. Not to mention that I try to vacuum the furniture every few days AND my bed is basically made of Felix fur. Granted I love him like crazy, but sometimes I wish that Felix wasn't a long haired cat. I feel like everything in my house (included my clothes) are fighting a losing battle with my kitten.

Aside from my long standing war with cat fur and a few domestic chores my life amounted to an episode of Fringe, an episode of Community, ten YouTube videos, and 6.5 hours at work. Work went just fine, I enjoyed the positions I was in and two of my favorite leads (our direct bosses in attractions) were working today so that proved to be fun. I picked up some shifts that will firmly put me in overtime next week. Money I will surely appreciate when my hours diminish starting in May. As much as it's wonderful to work and make money, I'm looking forward to the few days off that May will bring. I need some time to relax, refresh, and recharge before returning to crazy hours. And hopefully I'll find my way over to guest services before the end of May. I plan to continue to pursue the job even if I don't make it this time.

The shows I watched today were fun but nothing special. YouTube on the other hand brought me a lot of happiness. I watched some VlogBrothers (which I apparently stopped watching THE DAY I was hired at Universal) and was reminded how much I love the Green brothers and the entire Nerdfighter community. I was also reminded that I've missed out on more than a few projects in the past few months. That makes me sad, but in the end priorities change, and I'm working to find a balance in my life that will allow for a good mix of work (Universal, Ascendio, and My Hogwarts), chores, and creative pursuits. Perhaps, I might even squeeze a bit of sleeping and eating in there too.

The other videos I found incredibly interesting were by ZeFrank, who is the YouTuber who originally inspired the Vlogbrothers. I never watched him before, and he hadn't made videos since his original series, until a few days ago. I figured that I might as well see what all the hype was about, and I was pleasantly surprised. It's not exactly what I was expecting, it's more like videos to inspire others rather than tell his own story. This makes it different than most vloggers I watch, but it's a welcome difference. One thing ZeFrank does is missions. They are usually simple things, which you can complete on his website, but they all involve actually doing something. That's part of what ZeFrank is about, going from zero to one. He wants to encourage people to actually do things instead of just think or talk about them. Like my April goals. I need to actually DO them, and I'll admit I'm feeling much more inspired after watching his videos. Not sure I'm script frenzy musical inspired, but I'm certainly 750 words and make a YouTube video inspired. Till tomorrow.

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