Monday, April 30, 2012

April 30th

Well, this is it, the final day of April. That means I've managed to write 750 words every day, and you know what? I loved it. Truly, I've enjoyed just writing out a stream of thoughts every day. They haven't been that organized, they repeat often, but I don't even care because I feel great about what I've done. I've found it surprising therapeutic to just spew out my thoughts to the multitudes that will have access to it from the internet. It's also made me think that perhaps I can continue this blogging thing. We'll have to see.

Since it's the last day of April and I plan to go to bed as soon as I've finished writing all of these words, I figured I should give a final update on my April goals.

1) Write book for a musical (That totally didn't happen, I think I might need to outline for this one to work, I can't jump around like I do when I write novels and stories)
2) Write 750 every day (FINISHED)
3) Restart YouTube watching and keep up (SUCCESS)
4) Post one video on each channel (COMPLETED)
5) Figure out Guest Service job (GOT IT)
6) Find place to live in July (Well, I have here, but a new place is still up in the air)
7) Write Wrockbox show (Guess that needs to move to my May goals)
8) Storyboard "Lovely Lily" video (DID IT)
9) Read 2 books (I did, but since one was "How the Grinch Stole Christmas", I may have cheated a little)
10) Put $200 in savings (I will be doing that right after I pay bills tomorrow)

Looking at the list I completed 6.5 (or 7.5 if you count the apartment), of my 10 April goals, and I'm pretty damn proud of that fact. According to my rewards list I can get a Nook book and a trip to Coldstone with those goal points. Of course if I keep saving those goals up I can go to a movie or get a teefury shirt or a video game or eventually order the HP DVD collection or even get the Star Wars Xbox 360 with Kinect. Of course for the big ones I'd have to successfully save $200 every month and then spend it all on the reward, but that's a possibility right? I'm going to continue to hope that it can be. Besides, what else am I saving up for if not something fun that I want?

Finishing April, and those goals, means that's it's probably time to start thinking about May goals, but I really think that I'm going to leave that for tomorrow. I know that one of the things on my list will be to write 750 words every day. I've enjoyed this too much to stop now, and having a goal I'm pretty sure that I will achieve is a nice thing to have on the list. Other than that I have a few ideas running through my head, but I'm going to wait until tomorrow to take a serious look at them. After all, it's still April for awhile, so May goals shouldn't be bothering me yet.

I can't say that there's been much else on my mind today. I went to work, which was fine and fun, and then after work a bunch of people from Mummy went to SeaWorld. It was a ton of fun to get away from home and hang out with people for awhile. That's not something that I have a chance to do very often, because I usually have something else that I need to come home and work on. Today, I said forget all that, and decided to just have some fun. I can always catch up on the work tomorrow. We rode roller coasters, petted sting rays, saw polar bears, walruses, beluga whales, and countless different types of fish. All of those are things I quite enjoyed, and the people I was running around with were a blast. We were all there to have fun and blow off steam, and that meant that we could be a little silly. We rode on the virtual simulator and pretended that we were in Star Wars and gave commentary on what was happening. Then we ran to the kids zone and spent almost and hour climbing in the nets and tubes and sliding down slides. It was silly, and it was absolutely what I needed in my life at this moment. Sometimes being silly and carefree is just what the doctored ordered.

Tomorrow starts a new month, and I can't wait to wake up and face it, which means it's time to leave this blog and go to bed.

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