Sunday, April 1, 2012

April 1st

Gosh, here I am sitting down to write 750 words (without my required 3 pages of script done for Script Frenzy I might add) and I'm at a complete loss for what to say. I wish that creativity was just flowing from me like an unstoppable river, but the truth is that all I can think of is how tired

I am, that it's almost midnight, and that I really am not doing well writing this script/musical.
Actually let's talk about my musical for a second. Maybe hashing out some details here will help me go places with it later. I think part of my difficulty is that I'm concentrating too much on the lyrics and I really should just write my first thoughts and move on. I find myself counting syllables and worrying about the rhyme scheme and that slows me WAY down. Dialogue I type and never give a second thought to, but lyrics I ponder and ponder and write and rewrite. I'm breaking ALL of the Script Frenzy rules. At least I think I am, assuming they are the same rules as NaNoWriMo. So starting tomorrow, NO MORE REWRITING! I'm going to write lyrics with the wrong number of syllables and incorrect rhymes, and I'm NOT going to care. I just need to get the idea out of my head and move on. I can always come back later and make it flow. Or Lena can come back and make it work. See, this 750 words is already helping. I have direction. =)

Now, the script I'm writing is tentatively a musical (depending on how I feel about it as I go on). It's about a serving girl in a kingdom filled with heroes and heroines. The girl's name is Addison, and the basic idea will be that she had a hand in every great tale told by anyone in that entire kingdom. Basically she's almost a Mary Sue, but I wanted to be more serious about this show, so she'll have faults as well. The problem is I'm not sure my idea will pan out into anything worth seeing. It's more like a series of vignettes that will hopefully wind together into the story of Addison's life. My plan was to make people think twice about the little people in their lives, and recognize that those who get the glory aren't always those who do the work. However, it might end up being a messed up pile of stories with no connection, no purpose, and barely enough singing to make it a musical. Still, I can't be concerned with things like that at this stage or I'll drive myself insane. Instead I need to focus on happier thoughts, and figure if I can write this entire script (even if it's a pile of crap) then I'll be able to write another and hopefully, somewhere down the line, one of them will be worth something.

Outside of Script Frenzy I heartily enjoyed April Fool's Day. Besides celebrating the birth of my favorite fictional twins (Fred & George Weasley), I got to laugh at a fantastic series of web pranks. The YouTube Collection (bringing YouTube offline as a DVD series), Think Geek products (which I wish were real), 8-bit Google Maps, LeakyCon2013 on the moon, MyHogwarts joining with Twilight, and my personal favorite the Sony VAIO Q (the quarter sized computer). Every single year I'm impressed by the things these websites come up with. I also spend a lot of time thinking it must be a BLAST to work for Google because of the sheer magnitude of pranks they pull every year. I wonder if there's an April Fools team that just spends the rest of the year planning all the pranks for the various Google owned sites. Sort of like the Santa Claus of pranks (the Weasley twins should apply for this job).

Then there was the time I spent out of the house, eating a wonderful lunch at a restaurant called Seasons 52. Really great food, and pretty healthy to boot. I had steak with veggies and roasted potatoes, some flat bread with chicken, and a red velvet cake dessert shot. Overall it was delicious, and I'd recommend the place to anyone looking for a wonderful (if a bit pricier) meal. I also went to Barnes & Noble, where I showed great restraint in only purchasing one book (for myself, I did get two for my brother), did some much needed grocery shopping (yes, I need popcorn, stop judging me), and got some cigar boxes which I'm going to be using for a special project.

And look at that, successfully over 750 words with time to spare. So far so good for the April challenge. Now, if only I can get the script to work out right. =)

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