Monday, April 16, 2012

April 16th

What do you want to talk about? Seriously, I'm open to suggestions. Nothing? Really, you don't have any ideas either? Well then next time I say I don't know what to write about you can keep your comments to yourself because obviously you can't think of anything either. Oh, you're not answering because you're just a blog page and don't have any thoughts of your own? Well, that sounds like an excuse to me.

Since you're not going to be any help I guess I have to think of things to write on my own. I turned in my availability change form today, which means I should hopefully start having two days a week off soon. I can't wait for planned days off so I can start to plan things to do on those days. I also can't wait for Thursday cause I can sleep then. I'm really really looking forward to sleep. Friday I'm a little worried about my 750 words since I work from 9am until 2:30am on Saturday. I guess I'll have to write super early...or something. That 17.5 hour shift is intimidating, but the idea of over time pay was too tempting to pass up. And that's what work has been like without talking about what work has actually been like.

I picked up Meg after work so we could chill like we do almost every Monday. I helped her with some homework at her house, which mostly involved me cutting coffee stains off the edge of her script. Then we went shopping at Publix where I got apples and some soda pop. After that we got some dinner (with money provided by Meg's lovely mother Jill) and went back to my house. We proceeded to watch a bunch of YouTube videos of Meg performing in shows in middle school and high school. Then she decided she wanted to show my a hilarious video by one of our friends (Alyssa) and has spent the last 45 minutes trying to find that video. That was about the time I decided it would be best for me to write 750 words than just watch Meg search through YouTube. Of course I really don't have anything to write about, but nothing is new there.

I suppose in lieu of my day I can talk about Meg instead. Meg is basically my little sister here in Orlando. She played Young Lily in The Final Battle (a musical I co-wrote and directed about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows). Since I moved to Orlando she and her mother Jill have really helped me out with everything. Jill is even helping me figure out where to move (if I'm going to move) when my lease runs out in June. Meg and I have a total blast hanging out every Monday and I've been able to get her interesting in Dungeons and Dragons and a lot of other things I love. She's very talented and has been a ton of help with most of my creative endeavors. It's been a true blessing to have her around because she is full of energy I don't have and she really pushes me to do things. Meg is only 15, but she has done a lot with her life. She's in a theater magnet at her high school and is basically in every production. She wants to be a Broadway actress and I honestly think she'll make it. She makes me want to do more theater and film and that's a good thing.

The best thing about hanging out with Meg is that lots of people I know here actually believe that she's my sister. Since people in Orlando know basically nothing about my life before I moved here (unless I tell them) it's given me a bit of chance to reinvent myself. Not that I've changed terribly, but it's been fun to see what things people here think of me versus people that knew me growing up. Making Meg into my fake sister has been fun though. It's fascinating how we can tell people we're sisters and they'll look at us and declare that they can totally see the resemblance. Really we don't look much alike at all, but if we say it people believe it and they want to prove that they believe it. We have had some good times tricking people with that. Plus, it's become a lot easier to say I'm hanging with my little sister than my 15 year old best friend. That's all I can think of for today.

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