Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April 18th

Today was a day spent at work more than others. I had a mid shift instead of an opening or closing shift. That means that I was at work from 11 to 7, which basically eats up your entire day. On the plus side I got rescued out to "The 8th Voyage of Sinbad" a show in Islands of Adventure (the other park at Universal Orlando). That made my day a lot easier, and it was fun to do something different after so many days of just Mummy. It's fascinating to see how differently a show operates versus our ride. The most interesting thing for me is that since we're in a slower season Sinbad was operated with only three people (two attendants and a lead). Compared to Mummy, which regularly has nine attendants and a lead, it's kinda mind blowing. It was fun though, and the wardrobe was super comfortable, and I got to be outside quite a bit, and the two people I worked with were fun, and I got to see the show a bunch of times.

Of course eventually work had to end and then I had to find something else to do with my day. I came home and made some Ramen for dinner. I eat quite a bit of Ramen actually. It's easy, quick, and I find it quite delicious. My mother is probably shaking her head as she reads this, but honestly it's nice to have something that's so easy to make cause I often don't have a lot of time. I usually cook up some frozen veggies to go with the Ramen as well. Then I drink some milk or water with dinner. It's yummy and it's not terrible for me, but I imagine it's not the healthiest meal. Still, I spend a lot of time moving at my job, not to mention riding my bike there, so it balances out.

After dinner I manged to squeeze in some time with my brother. We played Portal 2. I still suck at it, but I'm getting better. It was fun anyway, there's something about Kellen constantly sighing as I continue dying that makes for a funny time. Of course even if Kellen isn't being funny there is always GlaDOS who is THE FUNNIEST video game characters ever. Seriously, whoever writes her lines is a total genius, I love pretty much all of them. It was really nice to hang with Kellen (virtually of course), since he's been pretty busy with classes and VEISHEA and finals lately. We didn't talk much about life, but we did banter and have a good time.

Kellen has actually gotten me quite a few video games lately. Not that I have a ton of time to play any of them, but it's still really really nice of him. They are really fun when I do get a chance. Eventually my schedule is going to become more regular (with set days off) and then I might have some time for video games. My favorites currently (besides co-op Portal 2 with Kellen) are the Nancy Drew mysteries. They are an interactive adventure that involves finding clues and solving puzzles. I own a bunch of them now. They're super complicated and take quite a bit of time, but that's what makes them so good. There's hours of play time for each game.

After gaming with Kellen it was pretty much time to go to sleep. I watched some Hulu and sat down to write 750 words. And with that I've wrapped up my day and still have about 150 words to write. So I guess we'll have to continue with a bit of filler. Hmmm, how about a Felix update. Post declaw he's doing much better. He's stopped limping and licking at his paws, which means he's healing. It's a wonderful think that he doesn't tear at the carpet anymore, and it's much less risky to play with him. His appetite has also returned, which is a huge relief to me. Of course it also means that he's back to insistently waking me up in the morning to make sure he gets fed. There's a downside and an upside to everything I guess. When it comes to upsides though, Felix is full of them. He's so incredibly adorable and manages to do cute things on almost an hourly basis. Playing with the pointer on my computer screen, adorably rolling around on the ground, doing this adorable jump sideways when something startles him, and generally just giving me the "I'm so cute you can't be mad" look. Which works every time. And there's my 750 words.

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