Saturday, April 7, 2012

April 7th

750 words, I will beat you down! Today I was incredibly busy. I worked all morning then I picked up Meg after her rehearsal and we went to Universal. We rode all the water rides (what can I say I have a soft spot for my little sis), and got completely soaked. We ate Panda Express, which was delicious. Then we realized that Meg's legs were getting stained green and debated whether it was caused by her green pants. It turned out to be an old stain on her purse that had begun spreading once it got wet. That started us into a fit of giggles outside Universal that was so severe people stopped to watch. One of those people was a six year old girl with a stuffed unicorn. She stared at us with big wide eyes and looked so shocked that it sent us into fits of giggles all over again. By the time we finally moved into the park my abs were sore from all the laughing.

At USF (Universal Studios Florida for those in the know) we rode Men In Black three times, and each time improved our scores, though neither of us beat our current best. It was fun, especially cause we rode single rider and ended up in cars with people who had no idea what was going on and at times shot random walls and each other. All in all it was a blast though. Then we rode Mummy, where we decided to speak all the lines, laugh hysterically, and pretend we'd never ridden. Not all at once mind you, we rode four times in a row. Then we made them show us all our pictures in the store so we could laugh loudly, but of course we didn't purchase any of them.

Then it was time for the parade, where I learned that Meg can't catch a Mardi Gras bead to save her life, but it was alright because I was pretty darn good at it and got her a fair collection. Then I traded out some of her doubles to try and get her as many colors as possible. We watched the concert, danced like fools, got tricked into going to a merch booth that didn't actually exist, and got completely turned around leaving the park. However, we still managed to make it to Coldstone before they closed and finished off our night with some delicious ice cream.

We came home, changed into dry clothes, and lounged about watching YouTube for awhile. We've been especially enjoying watching the talented and funny Caleb Meek Bradley known as TheAwkwardLyricist on YouTube. We giggled even more until finally Meg decided it was time to sleep and I figured I'd better starting writing my 750 words before time ran out. And now here I mean.

That was actually a pretty thorough description of my day and it still only amounted to a little over 450 words. Part of the problem is my desire to be suscint. I have never been very verbose when it comes to writing. I prefer to find the perfect words and wrap everything up with a fancy bow. I like it to flow nicely, make perfect sense, and not take to long (so that people don't stop reading). Of course when I have to come up with 750 words each day it might actually be to my benefit to fill up with space will all those space fillers that I normally avoid. Like adverbs, and extra adjectives, and unneeded conjunctions, and any other filler language I can possibly think of. That and a little stream of consciousness can go long way.

With my last 140 words I want to mention something I hate. Bug bites. I've managed to mostly avoid them in the 7 months I've lived in Florida, until this week. Currently I have one on my cheek, one on my left hand, and a smattering on my knees, elbows, and ankles. I've killed more than a few mosquitoes that I found buzzing around my bedroom, but still they keep coming. I was really hoping that the bug bite situation would get better once I got to Florida, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Still it's not as bad as it could be, and I am grateful daily for anti itch cream and other modern wonders that keep me from scratching my skin off. Now if only I could allow Felix to go out on to the screened in porch and still keep mosquitoes out.

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