Thursday, April 26, 2012

April 26th

I don't have much to talk about today. I had the day off, and unlike some of my other days off I actually spent a lot of time goofing and less accomplishing things. Of course I do still have a few hours to turn that around. And I have done I did manage to make and post two videos and I started working on my Lovely Lily storyboard. That adds two more accomplished goals to my list, so...go me.

I have been enjoying some wonderful YouTube videos and watching them continues to inspire me to do more and create more. And while I'm not sure how effective these feelings will be, it is nice to have them. The thing about YouTube is that it's something I CAN do in stops and starts, and every time I come back I find things that are fantastic and beautiful and inspiring. And every once in awhile I can make something I'm proud of to add to that pool of creative energy. Plus, there is no pressure there that I don't create myself, so I can be free to make what I want and do the things that make me happy, and that's a beautiful thing.

There are lots of creative pursuits that I really wish I had more time for, but the truth is that work takes up a lot of my days, and more energy than I'm willing to admit. It's very different than college, where I would come home from class and have a ton of homework or projects and feel like I had no time. Then my creative pursuits were often a form of procrastination, and were a bit more active. Now, when I come home from work, I don't have a lot of other work weighing on my mind (besides Ascendio stuff). Yet, somehow the lack of constantworkthatneedstobedonerightnow has made me more lazy. Without the pressure to do homework, I don't feel like procrastinating with creative projects. Instead, the things I should do are creative projects and thus I procrastinate with things like Hulu, YouTube, and sleep. And before you say anything, yes sleep is a form of procrastination, even if it is supposedly necessary for life.

In a total jump of subjects, a few days ago I talked about dreams and keeping a dream journal. I have been doing that, but it seems that my dreams aren't as epic currently. I don't know if that's cause I'm always exhausted and don't dream, or because my usual epic dreams have been largely replaced by "what could go wrong at work" dreams. Those are the type of dreams I'm totally boss at. Seriously, if it realistically, or unrealistically, could go wrong at my job, I've had a dream about it. I made a decision last night to try and think of something fantasy as I fall to bed to see if that can help encourage my unconscious to jump away from reality. I don't remember any of my dreams from last night, but I'll keep you updated.

Do you like random jumps from thought to thought? Apparently I do, because I want to talk for a second about opossums and possums. Sara's fiance ran over an opossum yesterday, it's the first animal he has ever hit *coughcityboycough* and he was quite devastated. However, when he went to post about this sad occurrence on Facebook (which is what people in my generation do with any big news) he posted that he had run over a POSSUM. Although I felt bad for his apparent sadness, I couldn't let him continue posting that he had hit this

When he had in fact hit this

For those of you who are completely confused, I want to point out that a POSSUM and an OPOSSUM are NOT the same creature. Opossums live in the US, they are grey/white, with pointed faces, naked rope tails, and resemble large rats with rounded ears. Possums live in Australia, are red/orange/brown, have large pointed ears, a more rounded nose, bushy tails, and look a lot more like flying squirrels or red pandas than rats. I realize that colloquially people often call opossums just possums, but this is a bit of a pet peeve of mine, because they aren't the same species at ALL.

Just in case this blog hasn't been random enough already I figured I should mention that I miss seeing movies at the theater. I used to go every week, but lack of time and money have prevented that since I moved to Florida. However, I do plan to go see Safe next week and I'm excited for that. Hope you enjoyed this episode of randomness in my head, and I'll see you tomorrow.

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