Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April 11th

I really don't want to write 750 words today. I worked for 10 hours and I just want to go to sleep and rest up for my morning shift tomorrow. Still, I made a goal, and since one of the rewards for keeping my goals is Coldstone ice cream, here I am writing 750 words. In case you were wondering about my other goals, here's a updated rundown.

1) Write 750 words every day (so far so good)
2) Write a 100 page musical script (still no progress but I'll get there)
3) Figure out Guest Services job (still waiting to hear about the interview, but I am actively pursuing it and if I've heard nothing next week I'll call)
4) Restart YouTube watching and keep caught up (going strong, just a few videos to watch to keep up, and it's been nice to get back into it)
5) Post one video on each of my two YouTube Channels (This is what I'm doing with my day off next week)
6) Find condo/house to move into in July (have some ideas and Jill is going to get me in contact with a realtor)
7) Write Wrockbox show (all kinds of ideas just need some time to work on it)
8) Storyboard & Organize "Lily" Video (had a huge brainstorm with Meg and I'm working on it next Monday)
9) Read two books (The Help has been slow going, but I'll make this happen)
10) Put $100 in savings (working 41 hours next week. I WILL make this work)

So there you have it, my April goals. None of them are completed yet, but hopefully by the end of next week at least a few of them will. Soon it will be time to make May goals, which might be similar, but should be equally fun to work through. The nice thing is that I've made goals that are related to different aspects of my life. I have a work goal, a home goal, a financial goal, and then a few creative goals. The balance makes it easier to achieve them because if I'm bored with one thing I have all sorts of other options.

Still 400 words left and that was pretty much all I'd thought of to talk about. I guess I can do a quick Felix update. He managed to use the newspapers as an actual litter box, which was a call for celebration. His paws seem to be doing better as he isn't limping around as much. However, his appetite hasn't returned. Despite the fact that I was gone for twelve hours he had only eating about half of the food in the bowl. That has me a little worried, but maybe it's just an adjustment. Only a little over 24 hours left in the newspaper litter cycle. Friday morning I get to put the regular litter back and I'm really looking forward to it. It will be easier to clean and I think it will make Felix happier to have things back to normal. I've already noticed that he doesn't destroy things as much, and playing with him doesn't involve me risking my fingers.

A little over 200 words left now. What do you want me to talk about? Seriously, you can ask me about anything...nothing? What? Oh, that's write you're not actually there so you can't answer my question. However, if you happen to be reading this now, after the fact, feel free to leave topics and questions in the comments section. I like to answer questions and I'm incredibly candid about everything. I mean that in all seriousness, I pretty much don't consider any topic off limits. I think this is because my life isn't interesting enough for me to bother having secrets. If I ran for political offices the smear campaigns would really have a hard time finding anything to say about me. Not because I'm and incredibly virtuous person, but just because I don't actually do anything which means that there is nothing bad to write about.

With my final 75 words I guess I can tell you that I enjoyed my day at work today. I made friends with some Hunger Games fans who were saluting in line. Then I met a Nerdfighter from Wisconsin. He was wearing a Pizza John shirt so I flashed him the Nerdfighter sign, and then we talked a little as I loaded him into the roller coaster. It was really fun. It's nice to meet nerds from around the country, and they always seem really tickled when I respond in kind to their nerdy shirts, words, and signals. =)

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