Wednesday, April 4, 2012

April 4th

No I haven't written anything on my script, just stop bothering me about it ok? =P I know I'll catch up, I'll make it work somehow. I'll make that 100 pages cause I have to. Cause it's an April goal, and making goals gets me rewards.

Course the 750 words a day is still going strong, except that I need to figure out something to actually write about today. Life hasn't exactly been exciting in my corner of the woods. I've been working, watching Hulu, eating Ramen, and playing with Felix Felicis. Oh, and organizing Informal Programming for Ascendio. It's funny how when I'm doing all these things it seems like I have no free time, but when I write them down in a list I find myself wondering how I possibly filled my day with only that. Course there should be a little bit of goofing around on the internet thrown in there, cause what day isn't complete without some wasted time on Facebook. =)

I'm going to get Felix declawed soon. He's a completely adorable kitten and I love him like crazy, but he's a little out of control when it comes to scratching at things. He's pulled up parts of the carpet and torn up the dust ruffle on my bed. Hopefully things will be a little less chaotic in this house when his claws are gone. And hopefully my hands and feet will have a lot less scratches. Right now it looks like Felix uses ME as a scratching post. I can only hope it will stop him from digging in the litter box and scattering stuff everywhere as well. We'll have to wait and see.

470 words to go still. Maybe I should steal some of the words that I went over by yesterday to use here. What can I say? I had a lot to say about Riley, and very little to say about my own life. It's funny how fiction can flow from my fingers but if I wanted to describe what I did today it'd be stunted and about three sentences long. Not that there isn't more to talk about, but I just don't find it as interesting and I don't want to write about it. Suppose I could anyway though. Here goes boring.

This morning I woke up at 8am, hit snooze for awhile and finally got out of bed at 8:20. I got dressed, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, all the necessities. Then I watched an episode of Community (hilarious show that I highly recommend) while I made lunch and finished getting ready for work. Worked from 10 to 3:30. Work was incredibly busy and I had a really good time. We worked fast and well and I got to interact with some wonderful guests. I always enjoy having the opportunity to make someone's day better. Then I got off work and came home. I checked my Ascendio email and checked three things off my Ascendio to do list. Then I set up the appointment for Felix, paid off my credit card, and worked on My Hogwarts Beta. I made some ramen for dinner and had a piece of cake. And I should mention that I watched Hulu while I did all of this. I spent some time chatting with Sara and then I figured it was about time to write 750 words.

So there you have it. That was my day in a nutshell and I still have 170 words left to write. So what do I say for those last few words? I don't have any funny anecdotes or embarrassing stories, and I don't want to start on a fiction that will just extend on and on past the words I need. Really I just want these words to be finished so I can go to sleep because tomorrow is the only day I don't work at 10am, I work at 3pm instead. That means I can sleep in and I'm seriously looking forward to that. I'm not sure how much good it will do since Felix will likely still wake me up early cause he'll want food, but I can at least try. Then I can shower and have a decently chill morning. Plus I already have a sandwich made for dinner at work tomorrow, so I don't have a lot to prepare. So far I'm doing alright on my April goals and I know that once work slows down again in two weeks I'll have PLENTY of time to catch up. =)

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