Sunday, April 29, 2012

April 29th

You're going to be completely shocked, I actually have something I want to write about. This is something work related, but since it's general to any workplace and not specific to Universal, I figured I would be fine posting about it here.

Something that bothers me, apparently more than I realized until recently, is people who spend their time at work complaining. If you're just going to spend your whole day whining about how you don't want to be at work, then DON'T COME. That's what sick days, personal days, vacation days, and calling in are for. I understand that sometimes work seems like a drag, I've been in that boat. I also understand that sometimes it seems like you just left work and you have to go right back, and sometimes you basically have just left. I know that people get hungry or tired or burnt out, or just plain bored, but you have to get over it.

The instant I make the decision to come to work, I've decided to be present and to WORK. Maybe before I came I wasn't that interested in going. Maybe I was sick of the whole thing. Maybe I was tired and just wanted a day off. But I didn't take the day off, I came to work. As soon as that decision is made I have to suck it up, plaster on a good attitude, and work like it's any other day. It's not my coworkers' fault or my boss's fault that I was in the mood for work, so I have no right to take it out on them. If I go around with a sour look, a whiny attitude, and I slack off because I don't want to be there, then I shouldn't be at work. I should go home, plain and simple. Work and your personal feelings shouldn't overlap like that, not in a way that affects others. If I'm vocal about not wanting to be there then pretty soon others don't want to be there and then, perhaps, my boss finds out I'm complaining that I don't want to be there and suddenly I don't have to worry about not wanting to be there, because I don't have a job anymore.

This is an issue that I had with some people I work with a few days ago. I understand their pain, we've all had crazy long hours these past two weeks, and very little (if any) time off between shifts. This can wear on someone, and eventually you get tired. There has been more than one occasion lately where I have not wanted to go to work, but each time I've chosen to go anyway, and then I have to clean up my attitude. It's likely that no one else wants to be there any more than I do, but we all have to plaster on a mask of contentment, because we did this to ourselves. When we make the decision to come to work, we have to remember that also means we came to work. It's just something to think about.

Now that that rant is out of my system I suppose I can move on to happier things. I had a fantastic day at work today (despite the issues above). I spent my entire day in the control booth, which means that I have no interaction with guest and very little interaction with other team members. The work isn't bad, and I hardly ever get to be in controls so it's really good for me to have the experience, but I've realized that a job like that isn't right for me. I missed being around the guests and interacting with them and the other team members. I'm a social creature by nature, and I like to talk to people and make connections. Doing work on my own is fine as long as the option is there to speak to people if I want to, like studying in a public place. If I'm truly alone I have a tendency to sing to myself, or narrate what I'm doing aloud, or monologue, or tell a story aloud (usually one I make up on the spot), just to have some sort of speaking. Perhaps that makes me crazy, but I'm alright with that.

If nothing else today brought with it some realizations about my character, and a nice group of things that I could blog about today. Only one more day left in April, it looks like I'm going to make it.

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