Friday, April 20, 2012

April 20th

Technically, as I write this, it's a little after 3am on Saturday, but I'm going to lie to blogger so this still posts on Friday. Besides, seeing as I haven't slept yet I firmly believe that it's not a new day. And I didn't really have an opportunity to write anything earlier today. Really, you may ask, no time at all? Friday lasts for 24 hours you know, there had to be some time in there. Well, you see, I spent 15 of those hours at work and the remaining 9 asleep so that I could be awake for the 15. So, yes, really, I had no time.

I can't say much about work except that I manged 17.5 hours pretty well. Of course that means I'm dreading working the next two days because I feel pretty tapped out. But, that's what I signed up for and when my paycheck comes and I see all the extra money I made, I have a feeling I'll be much happier about it all. Besides, it wasn't terrible, and I wasn't the only one pulling a crazy shift, so we all had fun. The reason I was able to work from 9am Friday to 2:30am Saturday was that Universal was hosting Grad Bash. Grad Bash is basically a night in the parks for graduating seniors, so it's a bunch of high school seniors running around and enjoying the parks from about 7pm to 2am. As you can imagine they're a little rowdy and a little hyper, but overall it didn't seem too bad to me. Plus, I had a lot of fun working and it was so fast paced that there was never a dull moment.

The problem is that with my entire 24 hours been spent at work or sleeping, and my current state of exhaustion, I really can't think of a single other thing to write about. Hold on a sec and I'll look around my room for inspiration....alright I'm back. I didn't really find anything inspiring. Even Felix (my usual source of filler updates) is fast asleep on my bed. I suppose I could talk briefly about sleeping and dreaming, cause that's all I have on my mind right now.

I watched a YouTube video recently about different sleep cycles and that the most productive and effective consists of talking 30 to 40 minute naps about every 6 hours. This means you sleep between 2 and 3 hours a day in TOTAL! That's WAY less than the 9 I slept today. You would think that this would be a crazy idea and people that followed this cycle would be exhausted, but it's not true. What little naps like that do is train your body and brain to fall immediately into REM sleep and you usually have more vivid dreams and wake feeling quite refreshed. If you've ever taken a 30 minute nap during the day you know this feeling. The issue with this cycle is it doesn't really fit with the way we function as a society. You can't really hold a normal 9-5 and nap every 6 hours. It's also difficult to be with people and have a social life because your activities are dictated by this sleep cycle. If you miss (or even delay) one of the naps, it can cause serious exhaustion. On the other hand, if you don't have a typical job, or a family, getting 21 or 22 workable awake hours might be a pretty good deal for you. It's not something I'd ever consider, I like my long night of sleep, but it is an interesting thing to study.

The other part of sleep that has been fascinating me lately is dreams. I recently did a "mission" for ZeFrank (the YouTuber I mentioned before) that involved narrating a dream you had that could potentially be chosen to be animated. I really wasn't sure what to narrate, so I went and grabbed my dream journal (which I haven't written in in ages). I started flipping through that pages and reading the dreams that I found interesting enough to write down and came to a simple conclusion...I have really freaking weird dreams. I'm being completely serious. Maybe it's because I read a lot of fantasy, or because I find the other dreams boring and don't write them down, but either way my dreams are all fantastical and epic. They're tales of good fighting evil or monsters living in stairwells, or tiny dragons, or secret societies, or theater sets, props, and costumes that come to life and wage war, or any other number of crazy adventure tales. I'm thinking I might make it a goal next month to take each of those dreams and write a short story.

And look at that, I managed 750 words. Which means that I can crawl into bed and enjoy my normal, mundane, 9 hours of sleep. Perhaps I'll dream of something interesting.

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