Thursday, April 5, 2012

April 5th

Five days and I'm still; going strong on my 750 words, failing miserably at my musical script, watching absurd amounts of Hulu, working lots of hours, and sleeping much less than I should. For me that's a sign that life is good.

Today was an interesting day because I "rescued" at work. That means that I spent my shift at a different attraction than the one I normally work at. Today I worked at Simpsons. I was out front at greeter all afternoon and evening. It wasn't the most exciting work, but it was a relief to just relax and greet people without having to worry about bags (which aren't allowed on Mummy but are allowed on Simpsons). The people there were very nice as well and it was fun to chat with them about what their ride and work was like. There are a lot of differences, but overall attractions is very similar. I'm glad that I rescued, but I'll be happy to return to my regularly scheduled position at Mummy.

However, I don't plan to stay at Mummy forever. Right now I'm in the process of interviewing for guest services, which deals more with guest happiness than guest safety, and that should be better for me. I'd rather be in charge of the entire park's happiness than a single person's safety. I plan to make a career at Universal, so after I get transferred to guest services (which will happen even if I have to keep applying for awhile), I plan to go to a career counseling meeting and discuss what options there are for my future. I would love to have a job at Universal that would allow me to live in a nice house and support a family. Someday that will happen. I firmly believe that dreams can come true if you're willing to wait and work for them.

I made a list of goals for April. I figure listing them here might be a good idea, so they're out there and I'm accountable. To who, I'm not sure. It's unlikely anyone reads this drabble, but if you are reading it, then I guess I'm accountable to you. =)
Anyway goals for April
1) Write 750 words every day (so far so good)
2) Write a 100 page musical script (good thing there are still 25 days left for that)
3) Figure out Guest Services job (interviews should start in two weeks)
4) Restart YouTube watching and keep caught up (haven't started yet)
5) Post one video on each of my two YouTube Channels (I have some ideas)
6) Find condo/house to move into in July (slowly but surely I'll get there)
7) Write Wrockbox show (this is gonna happen the second half of the month)
8) Storyboard & Organize "Lily" Video (I haven't started)
9) Read two books (I'm working on The Help right now)
10) Put $100 in savings (just need to watch my spending, and get more hours)

As you can see I have a fairly extensive goals list. I plan to make at least a few goals for every single month, and I've given myself rewards (like ice cream, books, movies) for completing goals. Hopefully that will be enough motivation that I can at least get some of them completed. I have faith that I will. I realize not all of them would fall under the ruling of "traditional" goals, but they all work for me and they will make me happier in the end.

I think having goals is very important, and for me having something that I need to achieve in a shorter time (monthly goals versus yearly goals) really helps me stay motivated. Weekly goals work out much better (like a goal to make a video every week), and daily goals (like 750 words) go much smoother too. The thing is that they also need to be goals I have an interest in accomplishing. Goals like eat better, workout more, lose weight, never work for me. The simple truth is that while I may get frustrated at times with the way I look, I plain and simple don't care enough to want to work towards those goals. Goals need to be attainable and desirable or you'll never achieve them.

Only 40 words to go, so I suppose I should wrap this up. I'm glad that I'm doing this and posting it even if no one ever reads it. It'll be nice to look back on someday, just to see what my life was like. =)

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