Monday, April 23, 2012

April 23rd

Today was a completely lovely day off, well off from work at Universal anyway. It certainly wasn't much of an actual day off by any means. Felix woke me up bright and early at 7:30am, but luckily for me I did manage to feed him and then lock him out of my room so I could get a couple more hours of sleep. By 10am I was dressed and showered and ready to tackle my to do list. I moved the comfy brown chair into my room so that I could work on stuff on my laptop and be comfortable while I watched Hulu and YouTube on my PC. I've gotten quite good at completing the type of work I had to do today while watching something else. This helps me cut down on my to watch list along with my to do list.

Aside from about 60 emails for Ascendio (that had been put off due to Universal work) that needed replies, organization, and filing, I also had to work on Ascendio scheduling. Luckily for me there are lots of people willing to help me out with that part, so it went just fine. I'm getting incredibly excited for the different types of programming that are going to be happening at the conference, especially some the informal programming I'm in charge of. Aside from a fantastic Wizard Rock lineup (with 11 bands), we have a live Wizard's Chess Match, Quidditch, two musicals, a fashion show, a variety show, and a bunch of amazing fanfilms that I get more and more excited about by the second. If you have any interest in Harry Potter check out and come hang out will us in Orlando in July.

The other thing I had to work on today was figuring out where I'm going to live when the lease on my current apartment runs out. For awhile I was considering a house or condo, but after a lengthy discussion with my father and my roommates, we decided that the best decision for now was to move into a 3 bedroom apartment with another TBD roomie. It's not finalized yet, but the place we're hoping to get is on the second floor across the apartment complex from where we live now. Rent will be cheaper for everyone, and there will be more space, so overall it's a good decision. I just hope it works out. If not, we'll just stay where we are, which is alright too I guess. I'm still a little nervous about all the stress of moving. Not the moving of all my items, which is stressful, but nothing I haven't done every year since I started college. What really stresses me out is the multitude of things that have my address and have to be changed. Electric, internet, car insurance, renters insurance, drivers license, work, magazines, my bank, the vet clinic, and that's probably not everything. What makes me nervous is that I'll surely forget something, and that one thing will be terribly important because that's the way my life works.

On a much happier note, one thing that had been in flux for me for awhile, a job in guest services at Universal, is no longer something I wonder about. I GOT THE JOB! There's no word yet on when I'll start (it depends on when my current supervisor at the Mummy releases me), but I WILL be starting. The most wonderful thing is that as soon as I start my new availability will go into effect, which means that I might start having Mondays and Tuesdays off sooner. Once I get released from Mummy I might have some extra orientation and then a pretty extensive training process (almost two weeks I believe). It's gonna be a totally different world, but one I'm incredibly excited to join. I'll still be part time (for now) but they told me at the interview that they place a big emphasis on development, so I'm hoping I won't stay part time for long. Plus, from there, I can go to the communication center or VIP tours, both of which I'm incredibly interest in.

Basically today boiled down to a lot of happiness, excitement, and accomplishment. I finished a huge chunk of tasks, watched some fun shows, and got some fantastic news. I really should have days off more often if they work out like this. I still need to figure out my apartment situation but for now the future is bright and sunny here in Orlando.

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