Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April 24th

The apartment situation is back in flux again. Apparently the three bedroom wasn't really available and/or disappeared overnight so the only one currently available would require us to move in the next 10 days, which really isn't something we could conceivably manage. That means that we have to start playing the waiting game. We call every day (at least I will be) and see if any 3 bedrooms appear on the roster. Then we can chose to take them. The problem is that if we don't get any then we're going to stay where we are and the TBD roomie gets sorta screwed, which makes me upset. Of course there is the issue that potential roomie won't be joining us until june which means shouldering the cost of a three bedroom by ourselves for a month potentially. Of course I'm willing to do it. Swallow the cost now for a much better situation later. Hopefully one will come up with a later date, but only time will tell.

Aside from a slightly frustrating apartment situation, today was pretty good. I had an opening shift at work, which was fine, and consisted mostly of me excitedly telling people that I got the job in guest services. I think that people will miss me, and I'll miss them, but this is going to be good for me. It was a relatively slow day, so work was pretty relaxing.

When I got off work at 3 I picked up Meg so we could work on some stuff before going to Dungeons and Dragons. We had to level up our characters and Meg had to write a back story. Luckily for me, I had already written a back story for my character (Riley) earlier this month, so I didn't have to worry about it now. It's always fun to level up a character though, because I love the feeling of getting more and more powerful. Plus, I'm playing a head on fighter type, which is something very different from the sneaky assassin or rogue that I usually play. It's been fun to experiment with a different sort of character, and I've fallen in love with Riley, so I hope to keep her around for a very long time.

The funny thing is, that because we will be switching DMs for the next leg of this campaign, we didn't actually play Dungeons and Dragons last night. Instead we got to play other things, and for me that meant Magic the Gathering. I've been slowly learning to play Magic, and then last night the guys that we play D&D with helped me build my own Magic deck. It's blue and red (not for any reason other than I had a lot of blue and red cards), and I actually won the one game I played with them. Of course it will take some actual testing to see if this deck will hold out over time, but I thought it was fun. I'm a thinker, a strategist, when it comes to game play, so they helped me build a deck that lends itself to that type of play. It's mostly sorcery or instant cards (less creatures) but it builds nicely and allows me to stop other player's creatures even though it's unlikely I'll have many to defend myself. It was fun, and as I get more comfortable with the idea of deck building, perhaps I will build some other decks (with other colors) as well.

It's funny because being a thinker is apparently less usual. A lot of people (including the guys I played with) make burner decks that are very creature heavy and brute force. There is no strategy, games are often quicker, but the luck of the draw is much more important. I think part of the reason that I'm so big into strategy is because the luck of the draw rarely goes my way. Also, because I spent a lot of time playing my little brother, and the luck is ALWAYS with him. I had to learn to use my wits or I would never win at anything. My brother can draw an entire hand of perfect cards and wipe me out in one go, unless I'm able to think and work my way out. I think that's also part of the reason my D&D characters are often not very strong fighters, but really good at talking their way out of things. Of course Riley is the exception to that rule, but she's intriguing in her own way.

Just before I go, I have to mention one other thing. I got the "save the date" for my younger brother's wedding (yep, my younger sibling will be getting married before me). It's really pretty, with a couple of pictures of my brother and his fiance, the information on their wedding, and a tree graphic with their initials in a heart. The absolute best part though, is that it's a magnet! I think this is a completely brilliant idea, because then the card doesn't get lost in the shuffle or thrown out, it's there, on your fridge, reminding you every day to prepare. So props to them for having such a fantastic idea, and I can't wait for the wedding.

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