Monday, April 9, 2012

April 9th

Today I want to talk about Pinterest. If you have no idea what I'm babbling on about, allow me to educate you. Pinterest is a site where you can pin pictures and videos from around the internet to different boards. Basically it allows you to categorize photos and videos all to one space so you can look through them easily. I, for example, have boards for my dream house, hair styles, crafts, jewelry, clothes, things that make me giggle, HP stuff, and pretty art. It's really nice to have one place to visit to see all of those things. I even started a board where I pin things that inspire me for plays or stories. Then you can follow other people and see what they've pinned. You can repin things to your own board, comment on them, or like them. The best part is that Pinterest retains the original site for the photo/video so that if you need to source it or look up more things all you have to do is click.

This is a website I've been a part of for a few months, but when I first got it I wasn't sure how to start, it just seemed a little overwhelming. However, some of my friends were members of the site and suggested I start with a single board and then work from there. The best thing about this is I don't need to be a member of a lot of other sites (like Deviantart) in order to save favorites, I just pin them. The only bummer about Pinterest is that it only works for video and images and doesn't allow me to pin posts or test that I find particularly interesting. Guess I'll have to stick to old fashioned bookmarks for that kind of stuff.

The board that really got me started was one of pretty art. Alissa got me interested in a site where they do character of the week art contests, and I started pinning the ones I liked best. It's become a slight obsession, but not a terrible one. Having all of those characters gathered is actually wonderful for me. It means that I can find them quickly if I need character inspiration for a story or something else. Everything is right at my fingertips. AND I can still visit the original site if I want to find the artist to ask them about their work and if I can use it for something.

Aside from pinning WAY TOO many things, I spent today working on some other projects. I've come up with this idea to film Wizard Rock music videos, and today I talked to Meg about it and I think we're really going to come up with a plan of action. I'm very excited to see how this goes, cause I think it can be a ton of fun. Plus I think the Wrockers will appreciate it, and I might even be able to get some press on Leaky or Mugglenet and actually get a few YouTube followers. I mean I own CDs for like 100 bands. If I can do 100 music videos than I'm well on my way to stardom. And might actually make some money off of my YouTube obsession. =)

Even if the videos don't gain me any followers, it's something I've wanted to do for awhile and I feel like I really can put effort into them and make something beautiful. Perhaps I won't make them as frequently as some people (twice a month maybe), and I need to hunt down a good group of people to film with, but it's a possibility. Plus even if they don't work the way I want them to, laying them all out will be a ton of fun regardless. And it will encourage me to explore some areas of Orlando that I haven't been to before (to find filming locations).

The other thing Meg and I did tonight was see Mirror Mirror. I know that people are worried that fairy tales (and especially Snow White) are being overplayed, but I disagree when it come to Mirror Mirror. If you like comedies, fairy tales, or Julia Roberts I HIGHLY recommend seeing this movie. It was absolutely hysterical! I haven't laughed that much at a movie in quite awhile and I enjoyed pretty much every moment of it. I won't post much here because I don't want to spoil it, but I will say that it is fun for all ages. So if you can spare the time and want a laugh, go out and get a ticket to Mirror Mirror.

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